in Rimini 169 new cases and two victims


There are 169 new cases of coronavirus in the Rimini area. Compared to yesterday, the victims have increased by two: it is a 60-year-old man and an 85-year-old woman.

The numbers in Emilia-Romagna

Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, 155,593 positive cases have been registered in Emilia-Romagna, 1,751 more than yesterday, out of a total of 11,661 swabs made in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives over the number of swabs made since yesterday is 15%.

The control and prevention activity continues: of the newly infected, 892 are asymptomatic identified as part of the regional contact tracing and detection activities. Overall, among the new positives 385 were already isolated at the time of swab execution, 556 were identified within known foci.

The average age of new positives is currently 46.1 years. Of the 892 asymptomatic, 532 were identified through contact tracing, 61 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 16 through serological screening, and 8 through prehospital tests. An epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 275 cases.

The contagion situation in the provinces sees Modena with 261 new cases, Bologna (346), Reggio Emilia (235), Rimini (169), Ravenna (147), Parma (93), Piacenza (80), Ferrara (169) . Then Cesena (129), Imola (84) and Forlì (38).

These are the data – verified today at 12 o’clock on the basis of institutional requests – related to the advance of the epidemic in the region.

In the last 24 hours, 11,661 swabs were made, for a total of 2,423,947. To these are added 1,059 serological tests and 1,868 quick swabs performed since yesterday.

As for the total of people cured, they are 1,722 more than yesterday and reach 87,594.

Active cases, that is, actual patients, to date are 60,916 (-31 compared to yesterday). Of these, people isolated at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, are 57.8634 (-59) in general, almost 95% of the total number of active cases.

Unfortunately, there are 60 new deaths: among these 7 in the province of Ravenna (3 women of 89, 90 and 77 years old and 4 men, respectively 84, 71, 84 and 76 years old); 1 in Forlì-Cesena (and precisely an 89-year-old woman); 2 in Rimini (a 60-year-old man and an 85-year-old woman).

In total, 7,083 deaths in the region since the beginning of the epidemic.

There are 201 patients admitted to intensive care (-5 compared to yesterday), 2,852 those from the rest of Covid departments (+33).

In the territory, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 16 in Piacenza (+1 compared to yesterday), 14 in Parma (unchanged), 19 in Reggio Emilia (-2), 36 in Modena (-2), 52 in Bologna (-4), 7 in Imola (+2), 16 in Ferrara (+1), 17 in Ravenna (-1), 3 in Forlì (unchanged), 1 in Cesena ( no change) and 20 in Rimini (no change).

After verification of the data communicated in recent days, 1 case in Parma and 1 case in Ravenna were eliminated, since Covid-19 was not considered.
