THE REGIONAL SITUATION, TODAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 – Today in the region there were 143 positive cases (yesterday there were 138; reat the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, 33,504 positive cases were recorded in Emilia-Romagna), of which 71 asymptomatic were identified as part of regional contact tracing and detection activities. The average age of new positives today is 38 years. The swabs made yesterday were 6,114 for an average of more than 2 positive swabs per 100 (more than the previous day).
Of the 143 new cases, 54 were already isolated at the time of the swab run and 50 were identified in known outbreaks. There are 14 new infections related to returns from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from non-Schengen countries and one swab if they return from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. . The number of return cases from other regions is 7.
His 71 new asymptomatic, 14 were identified through screening and tests introduced by the Region, 5 through pre-hospital tests, 51 thanks to the contact tracing activity, while in 1 case the epidemiological investigation is still ongoing. Regarding the situation in the territory, the highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Reggio Emilia (32), Bologna (23), Parma (21). Ravenna (20) and Cesena (13).
In the province of Reggio emilia, of 32 new positives, 2 returned from Sardinia, 4 from abroad (2 from Moldova, 1 from Egypt and 1 from Morocco), 8 cases arose after controls in a social welfare structure, 2 through screening, 11 are contacts of known outbreaks and 5 cases classified as sporadic. In the province of Bologna There are 21 new positives, of which 1 return from Sardinia, 2 from abroad (1 from Spain and 1 from Ukraine), 12 are cases attributable to contacts traced in the context of already known outbreaks and 6 classified as sporadic. In the province of Parma, of 21 new positives, 1 returned from Moldova, 8 cases attributable to contacts with known outbreaks, 2 arose as a result of screening activities, 1 through pre-hospitalization tests and 9 sporadic cases.
A Ravenna and province, out of 20 new cases, 2 returned from abroad (Romania and Ukraine), 14 contacts of already known cases, 2 arose after detection activities and 2 classified as sporadic. TO Cesena, of 13 new positives, 12 are attributable to an outbreak in the logistics sector and 1 case is classified as sporadic.
DEATH – No deaths today.
ACTIVE CASES – ME active cases, that’s the number of real patients, it increases to 3,939 (112 more than those registered yesterday).
THE ADMISSIONS – Patients in intensive care is 17 (=), while and hospitalized in other Covid departments amount to 154 (4 more than yesterday).
PEOPLE IN ISOLATION – People in isolate the house, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or are asymptomatic, add up to a total of 3,658 (86 more than yesterday).
THE HEALED – People as a whole heal am 25,096 (+ 29 compared to yesterday).
CASES BY PROVINCE – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:
- 6,487 in Bologna + Imola (+23, of which 15 symptomatic)
- 5,585 in Reggio Emilia (+32, of which 17 symptomatic)
- 4,892 in Piacenza (+8, of which 3 symptomatic)
- 4,654 in Modena (+13, of which 5 symptomatic)
- 4,104 in Parma (+21, of which 16 symptomatic)
- 2,502 in Rimini (+5, all symptomatic)
- 1,639 in Ravenna (+20, of which 4 symptomatic)
- 1,325 in Ferrara (+6, of which 3 symptomatic)
- 1,260 in Forlì (+2, no symptoms)
- 1,056 in Cesena (+13, of which 4 symptomatic)
Information from the Ravenna authorities today, September 13
Through the provincial territory of Ravenna theday There were 20 new cases, 14 asymptomatic and 6 with symptoms, 19 in home isolation and 1 hospitalized, 9 men and 11 women. In detail: 2 cases imported from abroad (Romania and Ukraine); 14 cases arose as contacts of already known cases, in the family (10) and friends (4); 1 case that arose after a job selection; Two sporadic cases arose due to symptoms; 1 case that arose after pre-hospital screening for another pathology. There are no deaths while there are 13 complete cures and 1 clinical recovery for which negativization swabs should be performed. General cases diagnosed since the beginning of the infection in the Ravenna area, updated on the morning of todayTherefore, there are 1,639, whose distribution by municipalities is as follows:
- 73 residents outside the province of Ravenna (+ 2)
- 702 Ravenna (+ 2)
- 266 Faenza (+9)
- 132 Cervia (+ 2)
- 113 Lugo
- 72 Russians (+1)
- 57 Bagnacavallo
- 42 castel Bolognese
- 39 Alfonsine (+1)
- 27 Cotignola (+ 2)
- 25 Fusignano
- 21 Massa Lombarda
- 20 Brisighella (+1)
- 18 Solarolo
- 12 Riolo Terme
- 10 Conselice
- 7 Sant’Agata sul Santerno
- 2 Casola Valsenio
- 1 Bagnara