THE REGIONAL SITUATION, TODAY, OCTOBER 14 2020 – Today in the Region with more than 15,600 swabs Check in 339 most positive cases compared to yesterday (there were 341 yesterday the day before but with 2,000 fewer tampons), of which 160 asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities. The mean age of the new positives is 44.2 years. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the total number of cases in the Region is 38,695.
Regarding the situation in the provinces, the highest figures are registered in those of Bologna (75), Reggio emilia (57), Rimini (fifty), Modena (49), Parma (30), Ferrara (30), Piacenza (17), a Cesena (12), Ravenna (10).
In Bologna there are 69 new cases. Among the 39 symptomatic, 16 are considered sporadic and 23 attributable to identified outbreaks (mainly family, friends or by frequency of public places). One case is imported from abroad (Morocco). Of the 30 asymptomatic cases, 10 are sporadic and 20 due to outbreaks (family members, in social health centers and pub dinners). In the province of Reggio emilia, his 57 new positive cases – of which 11 asymptomatic – 30 are attributable to family outbreaks, 3 to work outbreaks and 2 to friendly outbreaks; 21 are considered sporadic, 1 case is imported from Albania. In the province of Modena am 49 the new positives, of which 22 asymptomatic. In detail: 3 have returned from abroad (Ukraine, Russia, Romania) and 2 from other regions, 32 (of which 5 in Cra) are contacts of known cases, linked to several outbreaks, also already isolated; 3 were positive in the screening carried out at school and after the pre-admission swab; finally, 8 are sporadic cases for which epidemiological investigations are being carried out. Gods 30 new cases a Parma and province, of which 10 asymptomatic, 9 were detected as part of contact tracing, 6 after selection in certain categories (including schools and Cra), 7 as symptomatic patients. 4 people tested positive upon returning from abroad, one of whom came from Portugal and 3 from Albania. Finally, 3 were positive with the tests carried out in the prehospital setting and one on admission.
In the province of Ferrara, 30 positive, of which 22 asymptomatic: 2 were identified as contacts of known cases (attributable to a school outbreak and a friend); 2 are patients hospitalized for Covid symptoms, 3 identified because they had experienced symptoms and 2 after a swab performed for the detection of people providing care in the hospital. Finally, 6 are operators (of which 1 symptomatic) and 15 guests (all asymptomatic) from Cra. fifty the new cases in the province of Rimini, of which 29 asymptomatic. In detail: 39 are contacts with certain cases, most of which are family members and already in isolation at the time of diagnosis; 8 are sporadic patients identified by symptoms; 2 identified with the pre-admission test, to which a person who has returned from abroad (Moldova) is added. TO Cesena Check in 12 new cases, 4 of which were asymptomatic. Seven were identified with contact tracing in already confirmed cases, mainly in family and friends; 2 for symptoms and 2 for voluntary tests carried out in the workplace; 1 case is back from abroad (France). TO Ravenna and the province are 10 the new registered cases, of which 4 asymptomatic. 5 are sporadic patients who had experienced symptoms, 2 of whom had contacts outside the region; 3 cases were identified by contact tracing, one of which returned from another region and 1 by voluntary swabbing.
Infographics and data analysis in Emilia-Romagna can be consulted online through the periodic report on the evolution of the infection https://bit.ly/3dkjGtO.
DEATH – Are registered four new deaths: in Bologna, Imola, Ferrara and Modena.
ACTIVE CASES – Active cases, that is, the number of real patients, continue to grow and today are 6,148 (+ 272 compared to yesterday).
HOSPITALIZED PEOPLE – There are 35 (+ 4) patients in intensive care, while 383 (+ 60) are hospitalized in other Covid departments.
PEOPLE IN ISOLATION – the people in isolation at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital care, or have no symptoms, are generally 6.730 (+208).
THE HEALED – The the people healed in general reached 27,045 (+ 63).
CASES BY PROVINCE These are the cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:
- 7,588 a Bologna and Imola (+75, of which 28 symptomatic)
- 6,178 a Reggio emilia (+ 57, of which 46 symptomatic)
- 5,437 a Piacenza (+ 17, of which 9 symptomatic)
- 5,411 a Modena (+49, of which 27 symptomatic)
- 4,625 a Parma (+30, of which 20 symptomatic),
- 2,945 a Rimini (+50, of which 20 symptomatic)
- 1,944 a Ravenna (+ 10, of which 6 symptomatic)
- 1,656 a Ferrara (+30, of which 8 symptomatic)
- 1,640 a Forlì (+ 9, of which 7 symptomatic)
- 1,271 a Cesena (+12, of which 8 symptomatic)
The information from the Ravenna authorities on October 14
In the province of Ravenna today 10 cases were registered: 6 men and 4 women; 4 asymptomatic and 6 with symptoms, all in home isolation. In detail: 5 sporadic patients due to symptoms of which 3 had contacts outside the province (1) and outside the region (2, Bolzano); 1 for professional test; 3 for contact tracing of which 1 outside the province (Rome); 1 per voluntary swab. Today no deaths were reported but 15 complete recoveries. General cases diagnosed since the beginning of the infection in Ravenna, updated on the morning of today, are therefore 1,944, whose distribution by municipalities is as follows:
- 85 residents outside the province of Ravenna
- 793 Ravenna (+ 3)
- 337 Faenza (+1)
- 153 Cervia (+ 3)
- 141 Lugo (+ 2)
- 78 Russians
- 63 Bagnacavallo
- 49 Castel Bolognese
- 45 Alfonsine (+1)
- 35 Fusignano
- 34 Cotignola
- 28 Massa Lombarda
- 25 Brisighella
- 22 Solarolo
- 18 Riolo Terme
- 17 Sant’Agata sul Santerno
- 14 Conselice
- 5 Bagnara
- 2 Casola Valsenio