“On May 18, hairdressers and beauticians will reopen in Puglia. And they will reopen safely before June 1 thanks to the work of the Puglia Region with representatives of the sector and prof. Lopalco. A work carried out always maintaining a dialogue with the Government with the maximum institutional respect, like all aspects of this emergency. These are the results and the facts. Everything else is talk. “With a message on Facebook, the Governor of Apulia, Michele Emiliano, announced the early reopening of personal care services compared to the date of June 2 indicated some time ago by Prime Minister Conte.
Another “flight forward”, after that of the Bolzano provincial council and Calabria governor Jole Santelli, who anticipated everyone by announcing the opening of bars and restaurants in late April. In the last two cases, the measure has been challenged by the government. The Tar Calabria was expressed today canceling the measure of the region.
The decision of Emiliano on the other hand, it does not seem destined to create tension with the executive. Already in recent days, several government officials have mentioned The possibility of reopening in the least contagious regions. The order, explained the president of the Puglia Region, “will unfold its effects from May 18 in accordance with the national measures that will be adopted in the coming days and, above all, in full compliance with security protocols.”
The governor also responded to the controversy raised by opposition parties that accused him of misleading the categories of workers affected by the measure. “Obviously, he explained, someone tried to untie the government in Puglia, making him understand that we were doing something reckless. Instead, it is not.”
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