in one of every 4 it does not restart


School, permanent alarm: one in 4 does not reset

Yesterday the first bell rang. After six months of closure, the time has come to reopen: yesterday it was the turn of the institutes of South Tyrol. And little by little, the nursery school classes come back to life: first a Vo ‘ (one of the emblematic places of Covid), Milan, Florence and Turin, tomorrow it is the kindergartens of Rome. The new school year is taking shape, although still with too many shortcomings from the lack of teachers to the too small spaces.

School, full-time risk and canteens

The race, now, is frantic to not miss the appointment: the risk is to see very important services for families disappear, such as the full day and the dining room. At least one school in 4 starts without it. And parents have to seek refuge to organize themselves at work.

School, South Tyrol starts again first: kindergartens reopen in Milan. Full time at risk

Go to schools in South Tyrol, a leader in Italy for the start of the post-Covid school year. A total of 91,797 children and young people returned to kindergarten and school this morning after a break that lasted last March, that is exactly six months.

These are not simple days. In South Tyrol and Vo ‘, to prevent a return from the trauma, the children also found many colorful and lively classrooms to receive them, which use polka dots to indicate distance and floral tones to mark the edges of the chair. A less strict way of maintaining safety regulations. These are small-scale tests of what should happen on Monday the 14th, when most of the schools will attend again. But the conditional is essential, in fact, the number of Regions and individual schools that request the postponement of the date, for after the lessons, is growing. The reason? It is very difficult to be ready for Monday.

And something is inevitably left out, starting with full time, which, according to initial estimates, creeps into many comprehensive institutions. At least in 25% of the cases: «Unfortunately – explains Mario Rusconi, president of the National Association of Directors – at least one school in 4 does not guarantee full time in this restart phase. It all depends on the teachers who have to arrive and the furniture, such as individual desks, necessary to avoid breakages and time shifts. This also skips the canteen, for families it is a very important service to trust. It is an uneven reality that affects the whole of Italy, but is probably even more felt in the southern regions. In fact, there are situations in which the 25% percentage rises considerably, where there is no news of the arrival of substitutes to the chair. Full time has 40 hours per week, in 5 days. Otherwise the hours are reduced to 30 or 27, at the choice of the families.

In this restart, more than in previous years, the presence of professors in the chair is essential to organize the lessons and continue teaching classes also in the afternoon. For at least a few weeks, the standard hours will not reach their maximum capacity and it will be difficult to even maintain the 30 hours per week. The postponement of the reopening at 24, therefore, after the elections, for many seems the easiest way to follow. Bringing the largest number of teachers and furniture where expected.

60 thousand teachers are missing, even the quick call launched by the ministry on vacant positions has not borne fruit: for Beppe Sala, the mayor of Milan, therefore one of the cities most lacking in teachers, the quick call to transfer teachers in Lombardy was an “absolute fiasco”. The time is still long: just think that in Lazio, as in many other regions, polo schools will begin to summon substitutes to receive support on September 10 and then will begin calls for other subjects from September 21 onwards . If they are not found, as they will be, they will go to the schools classification. Thus reaching the month of October, if not beyond, without all the professors in the chair.
The Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, confirmed September 24 as the start date and relaunched the mandatory serological tests for all school personnel, thus overcoming the optional aspect of the other Regions that will admit the class even to teachers who did not take the test. Not only that, he also announced the purchase of thermal scanners for schools: the idea of ​​parents measuring their child’s temperature before leaving home for school is not convincing. Between the rush to leave and the need to go to work, not all parents are necessarily respectful of the norm and therefore, to avoid problems, it is better to measure it at the entrance.
In the chaos of the restart, the political struggle with the League also breaks out, ready to deposit in the Senate the motion of true censure of the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina, the text must be shared by the Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia to later arrive to Palazzo Madama in the final version. For Azzolina it is “just propaganda, they are unfair accusations”.

Last update: 00:41

