ANCONA – The victims of Covid today, December 3, 2020 in Marche are seven, since the start of the 1,305 pandemic. The victims are four men and three women, the youngest being a 63-year-old man.

The number of people hospitalized for Covid-19 in the Marche region continues to decline significantly, from 650 to 614 (-36) in the last 24 hours: 34 fewer patients in non-intensive wards (from 418 to 378), five fewer in Semi-intensive (from 153 to 148) and three more in intensive care (from 85 to 88). This was announced by the Regional Health Service. The people registered on the last day are 49 while the guests of the local structures are 251 (+21). 28 (+4) were treated in the emergency room. The number of positives in home isolation continues to grow (from 17,919 to 18,335, +416) but also that of those recovered (from 10,706 to 10,793, +87). Finally, there are 15,149 people isolated at home due to contacts with those infected (-415; 3,516 with symptoms and 554 health workers)
Last updated: 17:57