“In Loreto the Virgin walks in the Holy House”


The feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto falls on December 10 and commemorates the arrival of the Holy House of Nazareth.

Padre Pio in Loreto Maria Walk around the house
Padre Pio: in Loreto Maria Walk around the house

Tradition tells that the angels moved the house of the Holy Mary from the Holy Land to Loreto, where a wonderful sanctuary now stands. destination of many pilgrims. And source of innumerable graces granted by the Virgin of Loreto. Which is why the small town in the Marche region where the Sanctuary is located is considered the Italian “Lourdes”.

Padre Pio even said: “Our Lady appeared in Lourdes, but here in Loreto walk through the Santa Casa“. Proprio because it is believed that the content within the Sanctuary of Loreto is precisely the Santa Casa de María Santísima.

The origin of the tradition of transferring the Holy House of Palestine to the city of Marche dates back to around 1294. When a hermit had a view who indicated its existence and veracity, then referring everything to the Authorities. This fact is narrated by the chronicle of 1465, written by Pier Giorgio di Tolomei, who in turn had obtained the information from an old worn ‘tabula’ from 1300. Here are some significant passages:

Why did the Angels move the Holy House?

The soul church of Santa Maria di Loreto it was a room in the house of the glorious Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ… What house was in a city in Galilee called Nazareth. And in that house the Virgin Mary was born, here she was raised and then by the angel Gabriel greeted. And finally in the same room Jesus Christ fed his son… Then the apostles and disciples consecrated that room in the church, celebrating the divine mysteries there …


But after that, the people of Galilee and Nazareth abandoned their faith in Christ and he accepted the faith of Muhammad. Then the Angels removed the aforementioned church from its place and transported it to Schiavonia, placing it near a castle called Fiume (1291).

But there she was not honored at all as corresponds to the Virgin … That is why the Angels took her out of that place again and carried her across the sea, in the Recanati area (1294) and placed it in a forest from which a young lady called Loreta; from here the church took its name: ‘Santa Maria di Loreta’ …”.

This change took place in the night between December 9 and 10, 1294: “Then all the people of Recanati rushed to see said church, which was on earth without any foundation. Therefore, the people, considering such a great miracle and fearing that this church would not be ruined, had it surrounded by another very large wall with a very good foundation, as is still clearly seen today.”.

The historical context of the relocation of the Holy House is that of the Crusades and the attempt to liberate peoples and countries from Arab occupation. For this, according to tradition, there was the intervention of the Angels to save money the birthplace of the Virgin, which had already been transformed into a Church since apostolic times.

The Sanctuary of Loreto, where the Word became flesh and “Marian heart of Christianity”

In this Shrine the mystery of the Incarnation is remembered and leads us to meditate on the moment when God sent his son There, in that simple abode, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. In fact, on the altar of the little church the inscription: “The Word became flesh”.

It was Pope Paul II in 1468 who built the grandiose sanctuary around the church, which was soon converted, as the Pope proclaimed. John paul ii, the “Marian Heart of Christianity”.

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Laurethane is a Admirable sanctuary”Wrote Pope John Paul II. “In it is inscribed the thirty years of shared experience, what Jesus did with Mary and Joseph. Through this human and divine mystery, the history of all men is inscribed in the house of Nazareth, since every man is linked to a ‘house’, where he is born, works, rests, meets others and history of each man marked in a particular way by a house: the house of his childhood, of his first steps in life.

The Holy House of Loreto, home of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus

And it is eloquent and important to all that this unique and singular Man, who is the only begotten Son of God, He also wanted to link his story to a house, that of Nazareth, which according to the Gospel account, welcomed Jesus of Nazareth throughout his childhood, adolescence and youth, that is, of his mysterious human maturation … The house of the Son of man It is, therefore, the universal home of all the adopted children of God. The history of each man, in a sense, passes through that house …“.

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Pope Benedict XV proclaimed the Blessed Virgin of Loreto Main patroness of all aeronautics with God, precisely because tradition has it that the translation of the Holy House was carried out by air. On October 7, 2019, Pope Francis, through the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, inserted the optional memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto in the Roman Calendar December 10, the day when there is a great feast in Loreto.

Elisa pallotta

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