According to the Living Planet Index, published every two years, between 1970 and 2016, 68% of this fauna has disappeared. The main culprit is human activity, with the destruction of natural habitats. This trend is likely to foster new pandemics
In less than 50 years, the world has lost more than two-thirds of its wildlife population. To sound the alarm is the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). What caused this loss, he added, pointing out the dangers of such a collapse for the future of humanity, was mainly the activity of man.
Il Living Planet Index
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According to the Living Planet Index, a reference tool published every two years by WWF, between 1970 and 2016, 68% of this fauna disappeared. The main cause is the destruction of natural habitats, especially for agriculture, a trend that, WWF adds, runs the risk of favoring new pandemics of the Covid-19 type (LIVE UPDATES): by putting humans and animals in contact, transmission is facilitated of viruses from one species to another.
WWF: “It’s an ecocide”
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This index, compiled in collaboration with the Zoological Society of London, takes into account some 4,000 species of vertebrates divided into some 21,000 populations of animals around the world. There was a new acceleration in the decline of biodiversity, which had reached 60% during the last report of 2018 (period 1970/2014). “For 30 years we have seen the decline accelerate and continue in the wrong direction,” Marco Lambertini, director of WWF international, told AFP. “We are witnessing the destruction of nature by humanity. In fact, it is an ecocide,” he added.