The hyssop / case ratio worsens: today 36, yesterday 41.8
The hyssop / case ratio worsens: today 36, yesterday 41.8
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There are 2,578 new cases of contagion in Italy, of 92,714 swabs, less than yesterday (2,844) but with fewer swabs processed (yesterday 118,932); the swabs / cases ratio today is 36, worse than yesterday (41.8). The victims in the 24 hours were 18. 3,287 hospitalized with symptoms, an increase compared to yesterday (3,205). Intensive care patients also grow: 303, compared to 297 yesterday. There are 53,839 people in home isolation, a marked increase compared to yesterday (52,064). 231,914 people discharged / cured (231,217 yesterday). The total number of cases since the beginning of the pandemic is 325,329 to date.
New cases advance in Umbria, 72 in one day
Another leap forward in the new cases of Covid in Umbria, 72 in the last day, 2,676 in total, according to data from the Region’s website. On the other hand, the number of hospitalized patients remained stable, 46, four of which, one less in intensive care. There were 10 new healed, 1,890 and a new dead, 86 since the start of the pandemic. Current positives increase from 639 to 700. Analyzed in the last 24 hours 2,126 swabs, 213,445 in total.
New peak of infections in Apulia, 151 cases
New record of infections today in Puglia: out of 3,486 swabs processed, 151 positive cases of coronavirus were detected: 97 in the province of Bari, 21 in Bat, 4 in the province of Brindisi, 16 in the province of Foggia, 3 in the province of Lecce, 8 in the province of Taranto, 2 province of unknown residence. No deaths were recorded. Since the beginning of the emergency, 424,869 tests have been carried out; 4,739 patients recovered; Currently 2,897 positive cases of which 244 are hospitalized, 0.4% are in intensive care. The total number of positive Covid cases in Puglia is 8,234. “Today’s peak – explains the general director of ASL Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce – is due to the readjustment of epidemiological data related to some outbreaks already known and under the control of the health authority. Therefore, these are cases of family and community contacts. It is recommended, once again, to strictly adhere to the rules to prevent the spread of the virus: maintain physical distance; wear the mask, even outdoors; frequently disinfect hands with hydroalcoholic solutions ».
Cases are growing in Emilia-Romagna, +179 out of 7 thousand swabs
Jump in coronavirus infections in Emilia-Romagna: in the region in the last 24 hours, 179 new positives have been registered in more than 7 thousand swabs and just over two thousand serological tests. Of the cases, 96 are asymptomatic, detected through regional detection and contact tracing activities. Admissions to intensive care are stable, while a new victim is registered, a woman in the province of Modena. This is what emerges from today’s Region newsletter. The average age of the new cases is 43 years, while in the territory the highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Rimini (37), Piacenza (35), Bologna (32), Reggio Emilia (17), Modena (11) and Forlì (20). Overall, active cases, that is, the number of actual patients, is 4,954 to date (+164 compared to yesterday). The number of intensive care patients (11) has remained unchanged compared to yesterday, while those hospitalized in the other Covid wards are 212 (+12).
The positive number is still high in Calabria, + 19
The number of positives for coronavirus in Calabria remains high. There are 19 more cases, with a slight decrease compared to yesterday’s 24, the cases found in the last 24 hours for a total of 2,063 infections registered since the start of the pandemic. This was reported by the Calabria Region Bulletin from which we learned that the swabs carried out to date amount to 206,980 with 204,917 negative results. The total number of deaths, after the death yesterday afternoon of a sixty-one-year-old man from Vibonese hospitalized a few hours earlier in intensive care in Cosenza, amounts to 101. Cosenza registers 8 new positives, of which 4 for a new outbreak, one for a known outbreak and three with an ongoing epidemiological investigation. Crotone has two cases of a new outbreak and Reggio Calabria eight. Territorially, the positive cases are distributed as follows: Catanzaro 14 in the ward, one in intensive care, 79 in home isolation, 219 recovered and 33 deceased; Cosenza: 10 in the ward, 135 in home isolation, 494 recovered and 36 deceased; Reggio Calabria: 7 in the ward, 1 in intensive care, 110 in home isolation, 344 recovered and 19 deceased; Crotone: 8 in home isolation, 133 recovered and 6 deceased and Vibo Valentia: 5 in the ward, 30 in home isolation, 86 recovered and 6 deceased, one more than yesterday’s figure. Since the last survey, a total of 844 people registered on the Calabria Region portal to communicate their presence in the regional territory.