Over the weekend in Eluru, an Indian city in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, one person died and hundreds were hospitalized due to an illness that has yet to be identified. Symptoms found so far include nausea, seizures, and loss of consciousness. A doctor from Eluru Government Hospital told theIndian express that “people who get sick, especially children, suddenly start vomiting after complaining of burning eyes.”
The leader of the opposition in Andhra Pradesh, Chandrababu Naidu, spoke on Twitter about “contaminated water” as a possible cause of the disease and requested that a health emergency be declared in the state. However, Andhra Pradesh Health Minister Alla Nani has ruled out that it is water or air pollution, after controls in the area. Patients hospitalized for the unidentified illness tested negative for the coronavirus.
With more than 800,000 cases since the start of the pandemic, Andhra Pradesh is one of the states most affected by the coronavirus in India, the second country in the world that has registered the most infections.