In Germany, contagion is growing again. And the fear starts again from the slaughterhouses: 600 workers would be positive



Chancellor Merkel; a meat processing plant in Germany

In Germany, the contagion rate is growing again and the outbreak alarm is reset from the country’s slaughterhouses. According to the Robert Koch Institute (Rki), the German government agency for disease control and prevention, the R0 recorded yesterday was 1.10, which means that each person can infect more than one on average. Last Wednesday, according to Rki, R0 was 0.65.

In total, since the beginning of the epidemic, more than 169,300 infections have been reported in the national territory, while the victims have reached 7434 (general data updated as of May 9).

Eyes in large slaughterhouses. According to a Spiegel online report released yesterday, a total of approximately 600 slaughterhouse workers tested positive for Covid-19, of which approximately 300 at the Mueller Fleisch plant in Pforzheim, Baden Wuerttemberg alone, in most employees of Romanian origin that often coexist in very small spaces.

There is also care for Westfleisch in Coesfeld, North Rhine Westphalia, where more than 200 workers would be positive. The factories where the increase in infections was recorded were closed until further notice.

Contagion among slaughterhouse workers is also reported in the deep north, that is, in Schleswig Holstein: the Vion company has closed its slaughterhouse in Bad Bramstedt (Segeberg), where more than 100 new people infected with Covid-19 are reported.

The sector would have specific problems and compliance with social distancing rules would be difficult for workers: according to Spiegel, Mueller Fleisch employees would live in groups of 16 in apartments with a maximum of 117 square meters. Many of the temporary workers come mainly from Romania and Bulgaria. According to the same Westphalian Minister of Health, Karl-Josef Laumann, “there is concern that these structures, especially with regard to the accommodation of seasonal workers, do not meet the hygiene needs of a pandemic.”
