Wednesday, December 9, is the date on which the government seems to have planned for the gradual reopening of secondary schools with distance education, which will drop to 50%. The front, however, on the reopening of schools, within the government, is not compact. Far from there.
Did the schools reopen on December 9? Galli warns: “It would be a real boomerang”
The Movimento Cinque Stelle and Italia Viva press for the reopening, the Pd and Leu, on the other hand, slow down. In reality, not the entire Democratic Party seems to be united in the idea of stopping face-to-face teaching.
In the last hours a document has been released, signed by the majority senators of the Culture Commission in which Prime Minister Conte is asked to reactivate for a return in attendance. According to parliamentary sources, the order left by the Nazarene was another: “Do not crush yourself in this battle which, if it succeeds, will be thanks to Minister Azzolina.”
In reality, the letter was signed only by the senators, while nothing by the deputies because it seems that Franceschini has blocked everything. In fact, both the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Nicola Zingaretti, secretary of the Democratic Party, would be determined not to cede anything to the grillini, so much so that Zingaretti would have told the agencies this statement: “Science decides.”
One thing is certain: Azzolina and Conte are aiming for December 9 so that as many students as possible return to class, but in the middle is the Democratic Party, which this time is divided again.
Reopening of schools, the government aims for the date of December 9