In a televised speech Wednesday night, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that a third lockdown will be introduced in France due to worsening data on the coronavirus pandemic. The measures will be the same currently in force in the departments where the situation was already more serious, and which had begun a closure on March 19.
The closing will begin on April 3 and will last at least four weeks. Non-essential shops and schools will be closed from Easter to at least April 26 throughout France. In addition, a curfew will come into effect from 7:00 p.m. and for journeys of more than 10 kilometers from home it will be necessary to present a self-certification: Macron has clarified that people who need to move from the region “to isolate themselves.” they themselves “will be able to do it over Easter weekend.
Given that two weeks of spring break are planned in France during this period, the closure of schools for three weeks will have less impact on children than a closure in other periods: in fact, it will mean 4 days of distance learning (from 6 to April 9). , considering that Easter Monday is also celebrated in France), followed by a two-week holiday. Elementary schools are expected to reopen on April 26 and high schools (middle and high schools) will resume face-to-face lessons the following week.
Macron said France is facing an epidemic within the epidemic due to variants of the virus, noting that 44 percent of patients currently in intensive care in France are under 65 years of age. He also spoke about the campaign to administer the coronavirus vaccine: as of April 16, those over 60 years of age can be vaccinated, those over 50 years of age as of May 15, and as of mid-June the vaccines will be they will extend to all French. people under 50 years of age.
Currently, more than 4.5 million infections have been confirmed in France and 94,763 deaths from COVID-19-related causes.
– Read also: The new restrictions decided by the government