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Posted on: 04/10/2020 10:13
“It was an excellent first half, of course, now we have to win the game at the European Council“. The Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, said it during ‘Uno Mattina’, stressing:”In Europe, the position that Italy courageously maintains will prevail.. It already prevails: the Sure instrument, also approved by Germany, will be financed by issuing common securities. “
“We are close to putting pressure on countries that are still reluctant to accept the fact that this recovery fund, in order to have the necessary resources, is financed through the issuance of bonds. It is a very significant change in perspective, it He knows that there are countries that resist this perspective, but we are explaining that we are not asking for a mutualization of past debt, but rather that the resources for a common challenge be common resources, “said Gualtieri.
“With the report approved to the Eurogroup, we went from the text that we had vetoed and that contained the Month with some conditions” to a text “with four instruments as the only proposal. On the table we put a proposal for a recovery fund financed with the issue In addition, the minister continued, an EIB fund of 200 billion was proposed to support the liquidity of companies and the Sure mechanism was proposed, which with 100 billion will feed the redundancy fund in European countries. ” .
“Finally, said Gualtieri, all conditionality in the Month has been eliminated, so for countries that want it, there will be another liquidity line equal to 2% of GDP, which can be activated without conditions.”
Those under discussion in the EU “are new tools that Europe did not have before. They are precious resources that will be able to support this unprecedented effort that Italy and other countries are carrying out, to face an economic emergency that has never been seen before, with the correct action to counter the epidemic that has economic costs that must be supported through of the massive problem of resources for families, companies and workers, “said Gualtieri.
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