in Emilia Romagna 276 new cases, almost 100 more than yesterday Reggionline – Quotidianionline – Telereggio – Trc – TRM |


BOLOGNA – A strong surge. Compared to yesterday, 276 new cases of Covid19 infection have been registered in Emilia Romagna, compared to 184 yesterday. The total number since the beginning of the pandemic in the region amounts to 36,914 positive cases. 126 asymptomatic individuals were identified as part of regional contact tracing and detection activities. The RT transmission rate in Emilia-Romagna is less than one: 0.84 compared to the national average of 1.06. The swabs made yesterday are 10,747, for a total of 1,268,552. To these are added 2,825 serological tests. Unfortunately, there is a new death in the province of Ferrara. Therefore, the total number is 4,493.

Of the 276 new cases, 124 were already isolated at the time of the swab run, 126 were identified in known outbreaks. There are 28 new infections related to returns from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from non-Schengen countries and one swab if they return from Greece, Spain, Croatia, Malta. and regions of France. On the other hand, there are 11 positive cases of return from other regions. The average age of new positives today is 42.9 years. Of the 126 asymptomatic patients, 77 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 32 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 9 with prehospital tests, 3 identified after a positive serological test. In 5 cases, the motif of the swab is checked.

Covid, update of infections in live TV and streaming with the Region. VIDEO

The situation in the territory

The highest numbers are recorded in Modena (52), Reggio Emilia (48), Piacenza (35), Bologna (29), Parma (28), Ferrara (26), Rimini (16), Ravenna (11) and Forlì ( twenty).
In the province of Modena, of 52 new positives, 8 returned from abroad (2 Albania, 3 Ukraine, 1 Morocco, 1 Moldova, 1 France) and 1 from other regions (Trentino Alto Adige); 28 are contacts of known cases linked to different family outbreaks, 3 are positive for screening by professional categories and in the school setting, 2 are positive for pre-admission smears and 10 are sporadic cases.
In Reggiano of 48 new positive cases, 12 are attributable to family outbreaks, 9 classified as sporadic, 5 imported from abroad (Morocco, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania), 14 attributable to an isolated outbreak in a center for the elderly, 8 to outbreaks acquaintance (2 at school, 4 at work, 2 from friends). 44 people in home isolation, 4 admissions to non-intensive care.
About Piacenza and province, 18 out of 35 new positives were identified by contact tracing, 4 by swabs in the emergency room, 7 by symptoms, 2 by swabs in hospital wards, 1 detection at Cra’s residence, 1 imported from abroad (Ukraine ). Finally, on day 2, investigations are being carried out on the origin of the contagion.
In the province of Bologna there are 29 new cases: 20 symptomatic, of which 10 are considered sporadic and 10 due to outbreaks (family and frequency in public places); no boxes are imported from abroad, while 3 are imported from the Italian regions (Marche and Lombardy). Of the 9 asymptomatic, 8 are sporadic and one has been placed in outbreaks (amical). 2 boxes are imported from abroad (France and Morocco), while one box is imported from an Italian region (Puglia).
A Parma and province there are 28 new positives: 8 were detected in contact tracing activities (2 of which were symptomatic), 7 after detection activities in schools (single outbreak in a primary school), 6 were detected with screening test prehospital, 6 detected as symptomatic patients, 1 detected in screening activities in professional categories.
In the province of Ferrara of 27 positives, 17 were identified as contacts of already known cases, all asymptomatic (attributable to school and family outbreaks), 3 returned from a trip abroad (Romania), 2 swabs performed in the emergency room due to symptoms, 3 guests from one Cra residence, 1 symptomatic health worker from the Ausl company, 1 asymptomatic with a previous swab in the hospital.
A Forlì there are 20 new cases, of which 14 are symptomatic. 2 were positive after returning from abroad (Ukraine) and 5 after a swab requested by the GP for symptoms. 2 were identified after a smear performed in a private laboratory for symptoms, 9 cases were positive for outbreaks developed among friends. Finally, 2 tested positive for job outbreaks.
A Rimini and the province 16 new cases, of which 11 with symptoms, all in home isolation. In detail, 1 sporadic patient due to symptoms, 2 returned from abroad (Romania); 14 attributable to contacts with a specific case of family origin (1 of which with a person who has returned from Albania).
About the 11 new positives identified Ravenna and province: 4 asymptomatic, 10 in home isolation and 1 hospitalized. In detail, of the 11 positives, 4 are sporadic patients with symptoms and 7 due to contact with certain cases of which 5 in the family environment (of these, 2 with people living outside the region) and 2 due to outbreaks of friends.

The other numbers
The actual patients to date are 5,609 (185 more than those registered yesterday). There are 5,369 people in home isolation (+190 compared to yesterday), about 95% of active cases. There are 14 patients in intensive care (+1 compared to yesterday), while the number of hospitalized in other rooms of the Covid falls: 226 (-6). The total of people cured amounted to 26,812 (+90 compared to yesterday): 7 “clinically cured”, that is, they became asymptomatic, and 26,805 cured in all aspects because they were negative in two consecutive tests.

The positives by province of diagnosis

5,275 in Piacenza (+35, of which 14 symptomatic), 4,459 in Parma (+28, of which 13 symptomatic), 5,993 in Reggio Emilia (+48, of which 31 symptomatic), 5,138 in Modena (+52, of which 28 symptomatic), 6,623 in Bologna (+29, of which 20 symptomatic); 597 cases in Imola (+2, of which 1 symptomatic), 1,515 in Ferrara (+26, of which 5 symptomatic); 1,880 in Ravenna (+11, of which 7 symptomatic), 1,492 in Forlì (+20, of which 13 symptomatic), 1,192 in Cesena (+9, of which 7 symptomatic) and 2,750 in Rimini (+16, of of which 11 symptomatic).

See also

Covid, update of infections in live TV and streaming with the Region. VIDEO
