In emergencies, long-term care crises, patients who have been quiet for days and the extra beds are not attended


PANDEMIC – Covid patients continue to be locked in emergency care centers in Macerata and Civitanova. In the ward, the sick crowd some rooms and corridors. Meanwhile in the hospital there are two infected primary. A low intensity therapy module could be opened at Covid hospital


Patient arriving at Macerata containers

from Luca patrassi

Covid has also changed the meaning of words. The positive has taken on a significant negative, orange is no longer a sunny color but signifies closure, the emergency room seems to have become a center of long-term care. Almost. Another telluric day, the current one, in what should be places dedicated to urgent cases, to be evaluated and treated, perhaps resorting to a brief observation. The protocols say. In Macerata and Civitanova, however, even today is a field day with intubated patients awaiting hospitalization that no one indicates. Does the patient need hospitalization? So far it worked that the room signaled the need and the room, more or less quickly, was equipped. Now we are seeing cases of patients who have been in the emergency room for several days – Italian has a precise meaning – without being able to find the solution of a hospitalization in the appropriate rooms. It is clear that an emergency room is not a resuscitation room, a cardiology, a hematology: however, patients remain immobile for days, even the most severe cases, which must be “ordered” in a few minutes. And instead it continues with words, with advertisements. Civitanova and Macerata live dramatic days in the emergency department, with intubated patients, wearing helmets, on CPAP (a method of respiratory ventilation), waiting for solutions that are not seen on the horizon. In addition, the comparison with the measures taken in the first wave of Covid is emerging, when hospitals – some – were all assigned to Covid cases. Now the same health directorate is making different decisions and the emergency rooms in Macerata and Civitanova are beyond the point of collapse, with embarrassing infections in wards that should be “shielded.” The bill for health personnel is also high: even two people infected in a primary way, one of whom is undoubtedly in the hospital, in a room called “Covid free”. How does it come out? Last night the mayor of Macerata Sandro Parcaroli called for the adoption of urgent measures. Today the situation is that of yesterday, the day before yesterday, a week ago. There is no additional bed at the Civitanova Covid hospital because there are no staff, and one wonders if the end of the first wave was searched in anticipation of the second, former infectious disease building in Macerata packed for weeks. Critically ill patients stay in the emergency room, waiting for a bed to appear somewhere. A policy that, it must be reiterated, resembles that used for admission to a nursing home, not intensive care. As for the scenes that occur within the emergency department, the history of the patients is illuminating. Patients were crowded into some rooms, in the corridors: intubated, with or without a helmet. Then of course, being the “Covid Free” ward, there is everything else, from those in urgent need of care, to drug addicts and psychiatric patients. But if the Covid hospital was included in the regional plan for beds in intensive care, because only doctors from Greater Area 3 were sent there, evicting the hospitals in the area and making it impossible to adopt the plan seen in March. /April? When, to cite an example, did the then CEO Alessandro Maccioni order the transfer of hematological patients from Civitanova to allocate the entire structure to Covid cases, which are also threatened? Today there are no places in intensive care, there are patients intubated in the emergency room and we are – at least they say – to open a low intensity therapy module at the Covid hospital because there is a lack of specialists.
