In December, hospitals closed due to a shortage of operators, too many infected, alarm from the nurses union


If the trend of coronavirus infections is still the current one, in a month entire wards of hospitals are in danger of closure due to lack of staff A health care that will be blocked because it is positive in turn or because it is quarantined, is the alarm that the Italian nurses’ union Nursing has given in light of the data that came from the different local health agencies scattered throughout the country. Of particular concern is the growing number of healthcare workers infected with the virus, including many nurses, some of whom lost their lives just to fulfill their duty on the front lines during the first phase of the pandemic.

Infections between nurses and medical personnel are constantly increasing. If the trend continues in this way, hospitals will be short-staffed in a few months and many wards will have to close. We fear a health Caporetto “, declared Antonio De Palma, president of the nurses union, illustrating some monitoring data collected by the union’s internal staff.” The projections made by our monitoring and control staff tell us that in December there is a concrete risk to the general stability of the Italian health system. And in the south the situation runs the risk of becoming explosive, “stressed De Palma.

According to the updated Nursing analysis, to date in Italy i infected among health personnel amounted to 50,759. In the last 30 days there have been 17,042. From November 8 to 9 there were 921 infections. In the second wave of the virus, 33,717 healthcare workers tested positive. A growing trend that if not stopped, according to the union’s study, could cause more than 55,000 infections among health workers in mid-December, of which more than half are nurses.

The union’s proposal is to start a massive population screening using pads and quick drives to considerably lighten the work of healthcare facilities that are now on the edge. “For weeks we have been repeating that nurses are ready to help the country. With quick swabs, thousands of positives could be ‘found’ and greatly limited the spread of infections. For this, of the total of 450,000 Italian Nurses, autonomous for those who work in the structures of the National Health Service, but who do not participate in the onerous activities of hospital care. With the creation of self-service positions, as some cities have already done, a general examination could be carried out throughout the national team ”, explained De Palma.
