In Busto Arsizio there is growing concern about cases of legionella


Generic 2018

Two days after the communication from the Lombardy Region about the Legionella cases that occurred in Busto Arsizio the alarm does not fall among the population, particularly in the northern part of the city where the infections were concentrated: in the area between the cemetery and the hospital, the Madonna Regina, Beata Giuliana and San Michele neighborhoods.

Concern increased over the form and delay with which the information was disseminated, came the night of Friday September 4 with a short note from the Lombardy region, Department of Social Welfare that spoke of registered cases “in the last hours”, while in a later clarification of the president of the Health Commission of the Lombardy Region, Emanuele Monti, it was clarified that the first cases had occurred a few days before, the first even a week before the note from the Lombardy Region.

To increase concern the lack of official and direct communications from Ats Insubria and the Municipality of Busto Arsizio when the first cases appear. Apparently, as Mayor Emanuele Antonelli himself stated in an interview, even he would not have been immediately informed by Ats, and would have learned of the Legionella cases only on the morning of Thursday, September 3. Only yesterday, Saturday, September 5, two days later, the mayor published a note on Facebook and on the City Council website to reassure citizens and detail the areas of the city affected.

Also Mayor Antonelli, in relation to the news released today, denies knowledge of a second death related to legionella infection.

To date, there is no news about the result of the control activities that the health authorities have been carrying out for a few days to find out where the Legionella outbreaks are.

“The municipal offices are in permanent contact with Ats Insubria, whose technicians are conducting investigations and verifications,” says the mayor, “and will provide them with any information that is communicated to them and that is considered useful so that the citizens of Busto can use water safely. , highlighting that legionella bacteria are transmitted by inhalation and not by ingestion. We inform you that the use of the showers in the sports facilities managed by Agesp will be inhibited pending the execution of the interventions already planned.
