In Bari 29 positive for Coronavirus: they had returned from a bus trip to Calabria


Today in Puglia 2,753 tests of coronavirus infection have been registered and 65 positive cases have been registered: 56 in the province of Bari, 3 in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani, 5 in the province of Foggia, one in the province of Lecce. No deaths are reported.

Since the beginning of the emergency, 300,338 tests have been carried out, 4,029 patients have been cured and currently 748 are positive.

“Today, in the province of Bari, we have registered 56 cases of positivity to SARS Cov2, 29 are citizens of Bari and its province who have returned from an organized bus trip to Calabria – said the director of Asl Ba, Antonio Sanguedolce – eight, however, are close contacts of already identified cases. On the other hand, the Prevention Department is investigating to reconstruct the chain of contagion and isolate the new outbreaks. “Of the three positive cases of Bat, two are attributable to positive cases registered in recent days, while of the five cases of Foggiano in the last 24 hours 2 cases are related to already known and limited outbreaks and 2 are people who have returned from Sardinia and Campania. (AGI)

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