in a month the risk of exceeding the critical threshold of intensive care only in the province of Trento


Covid Italia, ISS: in a month I risk exceeding the critical threshold of intensive care only in the province of Trento

As of January 21, 2021, only province of trento risks that exceed the critical threshold (40%) of employment in intensive care, the Molise it could get closer, while all other regions, if the transmissibility remains unchanged (taking into account the number of beds that can be activated, they would be largely under the emergency. This is the 30-day projection that contains a report ” COVID-19 Epidemic-Risk Monitoring “prepared on December 24 by the ISS, signed by Silvio Brusaferro, in which an updated photograph is taken from the Italian situation that reflects the epidemiology of the rest of the EU / EEA countries.

Covid Italia, Iss: «Rt sotto 1 in all Regions except Molise and Veneto

Regions and risk

There are 5 regions with an overall risk assessment considered “high” (Liguria, Market, Apulia, Umbria, Veneto), eight “moderate” (Basilicata, Calabria, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Lombardy, Piedmont, Sardinia, Tuscany), four “moderate to high risk of progression” (Emilia romagna, Molise, PA Trento, Aosta Valley), While Abruzzo, Campania, Bolzano, Sicily are considered “low”.

Significant news is the return to normality of regions such as Lombardy me Piedmont that until a few weeks ago were considered dangerous and represented one of the biggest concerns for the spread of the pandemic.

Comparison with other countries

In 32 pages, the ISS makes a comparison between Italy and other countries, immediately entering the Italian detail, where 1,923,023 cases were registered, of which 86,958 among health workers. 48.5% of the positives are men, 51.5% women. 67,540 people died, 3.4% of those infected, while 1,112,219 were cured. In only one region, Veneto, according to the ISS report, cases are increasing.

«The epidemic in Italy is still serious due to a high impact on welfare services. All the Regions / PPAA, except one, have a punctual RT compatible with a type 1 scenario – writes Brusaferro -. The Veneto region has a punctual RT compatible with a type 2 scenario and is at high risk for the third consecutive week with an extremely high incidence. This is of particular concern, so we again urge you to urgently apply the measures provided for this level of risk in the document “Prevention and response to Covid-19: evolution of the strategy and planning in the transition phase for the autumn period -winter “transmitted with Circular from the Ministry of Health of 12/10/2020 Prot. 32732».

Last Updated: December 25, 10:18 am

