
If there is no Italian teacher in a first grade class, the children do half the teaching hours. The same is true if the math teacher is missing. When a substitute teacher is not designated on time, by the first day of school, class hours are skipped and not made up. This year the situation is heavier than in previous years, when however there were delays in appointments, because the classes cannot be merged: the distancing does not allow it as it could have happened in previous years, therefore time school decreases.
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And the alarm is not insignificant, considering that these students who started school on September 14 or 24, in the vast majority of cases are the same ones who have not entered the classroom since the first days of March. That is why the absences of the chair are felt. According to data from the CISL school, which yesterday took to the streets of Rome with the Priority to School committee together with all the most representative unions, 100,000 substitutes are missing: taking into account that each teacher performs 18 hours of face-to-face class at per week, 3.6 million hours of lessons were lost in two weeks of school. Probably even more because a kindergarten teacher has 25 hours a week and an elementary school teacher has 22. So the estimate is low, it could be even higher.
“For the school – denounces Maddalena Gissi, national secretary of the CISL School – this hole of substitutions is expensive, in terms of learning. In fact, it is a reduction that then, over time, has its effects on the preparation of the students. Last year, according to experts, 50% of learning was lost during the confinement: not teaching has its weight. Unfortunately we are registering many errors with the new provincial rankings of substitutes: they have to be fixed, but the good thing is that this time the rankings are full: in the future it will work. For now we have to run and hide. But the Ministry of Education assures that within the next week everything will be resolved: the annual appointments have been covered in 80% of the cases, especially for kindergartens and primary schools. “This year 40,000 substitutes have already been summoned and another 40,000 will arrive in October,” Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte explained yesterday, “in this context asking for all substitutes on September 14 means living in the world of fairy tales. I did the whole high school with annual substitutes who didn’t arrive before December ».
This year, however, there are also 60 thousand teachers to call to attend to the Covid emergency, in addition to the tens of thousands in derogation in support, and all must come from the same rankings, which have brought so many problems in different territories: the most serious situations are registered in Lombardy, especially in the province of Milan, and various problems also in Lazio, where the coverage of places is 60%. Again from Florence to Brescia, Naples, Turin and Padua. The problem refers to tens and tens of thousands of chairs discovered mainly in subjects such as mathematics, foreign languages and aid for which tens of thousands of temporary workers have yet to be appointed in abrogation. With assigned seats, with high scores, you risk facing a flood of appeals. The alarm comes from the unions but not only: they are also those who, like the M5S deputy, Virginia Villani, asked the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina to reopen the rankings and reevaluate positions and scores.