immunizations and recovery review


He did not specifically say. It’s not in Mario Draghi’s style to be tranchant. In his first round of consultations in Montecitorio, Bic pen in hand to take notes, the prime minister in charge has nevertheless made it clear that he will rewrite (at least partially) the Recovery Plan drawn up by the Giuseppe Conte government. ‘European funds’, said Draghi,’ will have to be spent wisely and intelligently. We cannot focus only on subsidies, above all there must be investments. Because only good debt can help create jobs and boost the economy. “

A concept already illustrated in the past by the former president of the European Central Bank. And that yesterday, taking the first steps towards the “high-profile government” desired by Sergio Mattarella, Draghi wanted to reiterate. The new executive’s program will in any case be the focus of a second round of consultations that should begin on Monday. And that could be preceded by a confrontation with unions, industrialists, productive categories. In addition, the head of state did not give the former president of the ECB indications of time to Draghi, did not impose a calendar, nor a method, much less a political perimeter within which to move.

In all meetings, the future prime minister (he now has a decidedly large majority on his side, perhaps too much in the opinion of the Democratic Party and 5Stelle that they would like to avoid the League’s support), is described by the participants. such as “personable”, “attentive”, “institutional”, “Slightly distant”. And very punctual: after seven games, Draghi has accumulated just 18 minutes of delay closing the consultations at 18:48 instead of the expected 18:30. In addition, the different delegations received in the room of the Queen of Montecitorio said that “he speaks little and listens a lot.”

However, that bit is indicative. In the different talks Draghi began with a brief report citing Mattarella and, starting from the three “emergencies”, “health, social and economic”, he spoke of the need to relaunch the school and the end of the block of layoffs. He indicated the need to strengthen and create a welfare system capable of containing the social unrest that will trigger the loss of jobs. And he expressed the conviction that to face the economic crisis triggered by the Pandemic it is necessary not only to give relief to the categories affected by the anti-Covid restrictions, but also to think about investments in sectors that provide “growth opportunities and therefore”. also to work “.


The same goes for the Recovery Plan, for the use of the 209 billion that will come from Brussels. Draghi, in addition to reiterating the need to focus on investments and not on rain subsidies to prevent the accumulated debt from becoming “bad and ends up weighing on young people and future generations,” warned that in this game Italy is observed from special way by Europeans. Chancelleries. Therefore, not making the best use of the resources of the Recovery Plan would cause the disappointment of the partners, with the result of slowing down the process of economic integration of the Union. A process that, on the other hand, experienced a decisive acceleration thanks to the Recovery Fund and the distribution, for the first time in European history, of the debt.


So to put it with Bruno Tabacci, one who has known the prime minister in office for 40 years and one of the first to be greeted yesterday, “Draghi will rewrite the Recovery and no one will be able to dictate the terms.” And it will be rewritten “with a long look at high-yield projects,” as the former ECB president explained last December in an interview with Corsera.

Then, linking the vaccination plan to the economic recovery that “unfortunately promises to be slow,” Draghi explained: “We must give maximum attention, centrality and priority to the vaccines that must be accelerated. Only with the vaccine will there be confidence and there will be a guarantee of that the recovery and relaunch of consumption will skyrocket. ”Explanation:“ If entrepreneurs have no perspective and are not calm about Covid, they will not be able to invest and bet on the future. ”To say it with Benedetto Della Vedova who, together with Emma Bonino, Matteo Richetti and Carlo Calenda met with the prime minister in charge, “without the vaccine there will be no recovery and social security will be at risk.”

In his talks, Draghi made no mention of the delicate issue of justice: the confirmation that his mission, before the possible (if not probable) ascension to the Quirinal in February of next year, will be above all the writing and execution of the Recovery . Plan. For what Mattarella has called the “rebirth” and “reconstruction” of the country.

Last update: 01:15

