“It doesn’t help if not everyone has it.” These few words are enough for the new governor of Marche, Francesco Acquaroli, to liquidate the Immune App, useless in his opinion, since no one downloads it. This was stated by the president of the Marches himself, during an in-depth program of RaiNews24, as reported by Il Resto del Carlino. For this reason, Giorgia Meloni’s right arm admits, he has not abandoned her and does not intend to do so. And to say that for months institutions and experts have emphasized the value of using the App, which allows you to track contacts, thus quickly identifying any positive contacts.
“I think we must be a lot be careful when using all precautions: the distance, the masks… I myself am very careful. I think the Immuni app is useful if everyone downloads it, ”Acquaroli said. And, to the reporter in the study who noted that only by starting to download it can broad coverage be achieved, he replied: “The your reasoning is logical, but it is also logical to hope that not everyone will download it. On the other hand, you cannot force citizens to do so. ” Acquaroli’s example is that of the 80-year-old who probably doesn’t “have a cell phone.” “This tool would be effective only if all Italian citizens, of any age, had the application on their smartphone, he continued, but since we know that this is not the case, I do not believe that the Immuni application can be a prevention tool.” .
A different line from the one adopted in recent months by the Region that effectively, at the launch of the Application, had been one of the pilot regions of the project, so much so that both the directors of Asur Raffaello Palace they had advised all citizens to download it. To date, according to data published by the Ministry of Health, 197,859 people from the Brands have downloaded the application, out of a population of one and a half million, which represents one of the regions with the highest percentage of service users.
Acquaroli, who before the new national dpcm had already introduced the obligation to wear outdoor masks, then concluded the intervention on the news network, underlining his idea of prevention that should be based on “coordination between the State and the Regions 3 or 4 months ahead, which will be fundamental for the stability of our country and our economy, safety and health – he commented – I do not think it is appropriate measure yourself with the tools, but get to the bottom of the matter, giving the same signal to citizens, each according to their responsibilities, without generating confusion.
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