1 minute, 41 seconds
SITUATION. A front loaded with cold air of Arctic origin crosses Europe from north to south causing bad weather in the central areas of the continent where temperatures are suffering a gradual but significant decrease. With its prefrontal branch it influences the climate of the central Mediterranean and part of Italy, where it begins to dismantle a high pressure field present in the low latitudes of the continent. They follow some rains in part of the north and the middle-upper Tyrrhenian Sea, due to the temporary memory of the humid currents of the southwest that precede the advance towards the south of the proper front. Lombardy has so far been involved in the first phenomena (particularly the Milan area) and the Ligurian Levant, with accumulations of rain that often exceed 10/15 mm. This will quickly take over the Alps, hoping to spread to Italy on Christmas Day. But let’s see how Eva will follow:
CHRISTMAS WEATHER. The prefrontal branch of the disturbance will flow over the northern regions resulting in an often cloudy day with some rain in Levante Ligure, Lombardy, Alto Triveneto and parts of Emilia and splashes of snow in the Alps initially from 1500 / 1600m, up to 800 / 1000m in the afternoon in the Westerners, with phenomena that will intensify at the end of the day on the French-Swiss borders; trend also towards early light episodes at dusk in western Piedmont and western Liguria. In the rest of Italy, densities are expected on the Tyrrhenian side with some rain spread mainly over Tuscany and Lazio, as well as west of Sardinia. In the Adriatic regions and in the extreme south, dry climate and cloudy skies due to high and thin stratifications, except for some light rains that reach Umbria and Marche in the afternoon. Quote snow in the Apennines up to 1400 m in the afternoon in the north sector, 1800/1900 m in the central one. Temperatures remain stable, or even rise slightly in the lower Adriatic. For all the details go to the section Weather Italy.
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