
Nicola Zingaretti, after the result of the Regional and that of the referendum, he wants to claim what he tries to sell his victory, thanks to which “we can open the courtyard of reforms that he would not have blocked.” But above all he expresses “great satisfaction” for an election that few believed could end like this. All regions confirmed except one, and not so much by the Democratic Party: “M5s cinquestelle would be slapped: if they had listened to the alliances, we probably would have won all the regions except the Veneto“Zinga shot him.

Vote, write Republic, brought with it two results: the armor at the top of the group and the strengthening the Democratic Party within the executive. “Of Month ai decreed Salvini, we must accelerate because from today we are much stronger “, explained the leader dem in front of the small crowd of parliamentarians rushed to the headquarters to celebrate. The line is drawn: the balance in the executive has changed, the verdict of the polls speaks clearly and the the allies, according to Zingaretti, should take note. Otherwise, vote again, this is the reasoning. “The government continues if it does things,” Zingaretti always repeated. “We do not fall into the trap of reorganization, if the prime minister decides, we are on the issues, we must spend the billions of the Recovery well,” he finally added. In short, the Democratic Party now has a golden part of government. It’s no wonder Giuseppe Conte seems ever closer to the Democrats than the M5s. And what are the priorities of the Prime Minister and the Pd? Month and security decrees to be dismantled. Surrender to Europe and open the doors to illegal immigrants …