CAGLIARI. “The situation is serious: there are no beds. If we do not find the answers immediately, we will have to consider, starting today, the possibility of transferring hospitalized patients to other regions ”. And again: “We are saving, so far, the fact that this ‘second wave’ is characterized by young people better able to resist the Covid. But it is a false consideration. This time it is worse ”. More: “Weddings, funerals, birthdays and various parties: they are multipliers of the infection, they must be stopped.” But that’s not all: “The waves are sudden, unpredictable and, therefore, overwhelming and dangerous. Controlling patients spread across the territory is very difficult and requires resources that we do not have. The contagion has moved from the beaches to the interior, involving families and creating clusters in COVID-free countries “.
Marcello Acciaro, head of the crisis unit for northern Sardinia, painted a not very comforting picture – euphemism, of course – about the coronavirus infection in Sardinia: his is a communication sent on Sunday morning (13 September ) to health leaders. Sarda and the heads of all the hospitals on the island. After two days, a positive note should be recorded. His note had a first effect: all health establishments, after not even 48 hours, began the procedures for the creation of new beds: about twenty in Sassari, some on the tenth floor of San Francesco di Nuoro. And the entire Geriatrics pavilion of the Holy Trinity will be transformed, as it happened in March. Thus, at least in the immediate future, the danger of transfers outside the region is avoided. But everything else, with the unpredictable contagion curve, is sadly still very current.
Some numbers, to understand. In Sardinia, according to the latest bulletin of yesterday, September 14, there are 85 hospitalized patients with symptoms plus 16 serious ones in intensive care. So one hundred and one positives in the hospital. On Saturday there were 76 in total: twenty-five infected were hospitalized in a single weekend. Acciaro, like all those facing the epidemic, goes hand in hand with the spread of infections, their location and severity. And he’s worried. For many reasons.
Until new structures are installed, the situation is as follows: “In Olbia, the epicenter of the summer epidemic, we have two hospitals, neither of which is Covid, so we must continuously transfer patients to the rest of Sardinia and no less of 100 kilometers, when there are not 256 for Cagliari “. With obvious repercussions on activity 118: ambulances are already on the streets of Sardinia.
Enrico Fresu -