
“I’m very worried.” If there is an indisputable gift in Romano Prodi, it is the geopolitical experience of international markets. And in connection with Clean slate in La7, pressured by Corrado Formigli on the scenarios and perspectives of Fca, goes straight to the topic of merging Fiat Chrysler and Psa into a new automotive giant, Stellantis.

“From a strategic point of view it was necessary, FCA was too small and therefore has its own logic. But it is totally in french handsIn fact, one of the last “little gifts” from Giuseppe Conte to Emmanuel macron, given that the outgoing Government did not speak a word on the matter, unlike the French who immediately took over the file to guarantee their participation in the market and internal employment balances.
“Most of the members of the board and the managing director are French, the decision-making power is no longer in Italy and I hope that the Draghi government will raise the issue – explains the former prime minister -. In Italy we have salaries that are a lot lower than the French and much lower than the Germans. That is precisely the problem of returning to the country among those who attract, of reviving it. From the economic point of view, it is clear that it would be more convenient to produce in Pomigliano than in Paris, but there is this problem of the French, who control as in many other situations. So the question is: are we once again a country that decides its own destinies or not? ”.

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