“I’m telling you why the price is going up …”. Then Meloni unmasked Renzi


If Conte wants full powers as Salvini asked them, I say no“. Matteo renzi, the leader of Italia Viva, reiterated, in an interview with The country, his position on the Recovery Fund, threatening to seek government support, should Parliament not participate in the discussion on the use of European funds allocated for the coronavirus emergency. But Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Brothers of Italy, would have unmasked Renzi, revealing the reason for his words.

The former prime minister said he was convinced that Giuseppe Contewill recede“in control room but, in case that doesn’t happen, “we will withdraw government support “:” It is a matter of respect for the rules“. Renzi declares that he does not accept that the Prime Minister,”in the name of the emergency, 10 months after its onset, take all the powers of the state to spend these 200 billion“. And adds:”We didn’t get rid of Salvini for thisFinally, on the European funds destined for Italy, it specifies: “We have 200 billion euros, but we don’t know who decided how spend them, only one document has appeared that says things like ‘for tourism 3.2 billion’. Tourism is essential for Italy. Our Spanish friends will be delighted if we invest only this amount. It is absurd that a country like ours, with cultural heritage and the ability to attract visitors, invests 1.5% of its funds in this sector. Who decided this madness? And this is just the beginning“. Renzi had also specified that he did not intend to seize a greater number of seats from the government, threatening to withdraw support”:It is good to be clear on this point and we say it: we will not exchange our yes to the government for a folding seat or a seat at the table.“.

The leader of the Brothers of Italy is not of the same opinion, Giorgia Meloni, who today said, to the microphones ofVista Agency: “Renzi pretends every time Rise the price about something that Italians are interested in to bring home something that interests them: some Armchair Also, some folding seats, some more room for the government.“. Yesterday Italy tonight, in Rete 4, Meloni had already declared: “Renzi raises his voice just to raise the stakes, he does it exclusively to have armchairs. After all, he doesn’t give a damn, he’s just jeopardizing Italian stability for seats. Also because, if you are going to vote, Renzi has percentages of yes and no of 3%“And after the approval of the control room, Meloni concludes:”In the end it seems to me that they will also accept the control room, which for him is always better than the voting booth.“.
