14.11.2020 h 15:37 comments
Found in violation of night curfew: “I’m hungry and I’m looking for a restaurant”
The driver was one of the five sanctioned by the Municipal Police in the controls carried out from Wednesday to yesterday for compliance with the orange zone. Stronger rules starting tomorrow

At midnight today Prato, like the rest of Tuscany, will become the red zone with new prohibitions and obligations to respect. So, let’s take stock of the controls carried out by the Prato municipal police so far regarding the provisions for the orange zone, taken on Wednesday, November 11. There were sixty roadblocks. Of these, five led to motorists fines. In four cases it was a violation of the night curfew in the time slot 22-5, and in one case of an unjustified inter-municipal day shift. In both types of infractions, the penalty is 400 euros, which in case of quick payment is reduced to 280 euros. In the case of night trips, the justifications for trying to avoid the fine were the most disparate: “In one case the person told us that he was going to visit a friend; – says Security Councilor Flora Leoni – another who had hungry and looking for an open restaurant. Unacceptable things. “
Starting tomorrow, travel bans become stricter. The technical table convened by the Prefecture has not yet met for operational details, but in essence the same organizational methods will be applied as the controls provided by the Dpcm applied to the restrictions of the red zones. With new rules severely limiting dating opportunities, there should be fewer meeting reports than the past few weeks have been numerous, especially over the weekend: 18 in the previous week and 26 in the current week.
These are some of the new rules that will be in effect tomorrow.
Shops and personal services
All retail business activities are suspended, with a series of exceptions listed in annexes 23 and 24 of the Dpcm of November 3. In addition to supermarkets, grocery stores, newsagents, tobacconists, pharmacies and parapharmacies, laundries, hardware stores, paint and building materials stores, retailers of home appliances, computer products and consumer electronics, optics and photography are also open. , gas stations and car showrooms. Hairdressers and barbers, bookstores and stationery stores, florists, distributors of agricultural machinery and gardening equipment, distributors of cars and motorcycles, cosmetics, soaps and sanitary products, sporting goods, bicycles and meteorological items remain open. free; White clothing stores, children’s clothing and footwear and toys are opened. On the other hand, adult clothing stores and beauty centers are closed. As already mentioned, the bars and restaurants are closed, so it is only allowed to take out until 10 pm and home delivery without a time limit.
Within the central market on Monday in the Piazza del Mercato Nuovo and the local markets, the sale of food products and the flower-plant-animal sector are allowed, taking into account that, for this last type of activity, the Regulation of the Presidential Decree 228/01, whereby the activity carried out in public spaces is comparable to that carried out in the company. Entry into the orange zone will be allowed up to a maximum of 200 people, with the obligation of a mask and spacing as required by the previous security report. There are two manned access gates, one in viale Galilei and the other in via Protche, to improve buyers’ entrances to the market area;
Churches and cemeteries
They remain open with the obligation to stay within the municipal limits, avoiding meetings and with the obligation of a mask.
Sports and physical activity
According to art. 3 of the Decree of the Prime Minister of November 3, motor activity (such as walking) is only allowed in the vicinity of the house, respecting the distance of at least one meter from other people and with the obligation to use individual protection devices.
Sports activity (such as jogging or cycling) is only possible outdoors and individually and can be carried out, with respect for the interpersonal distance of at least two meters and the prohibition of gathering, even in conditioned areas and parks public, where accessible, not necessarily located near your home. It is no longer practicable outdoors in sports centers or clubs, which are closed.
Related local editions: Prato |
News date:
14.11.2020 h 15:37
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