
the Demonstration survey made for Republic continue giving the League in percentages much lower than those registered by the other polls that deal with voting intentions. Mysteries of the pollsters, the truth is that in today’s edition Ilvo Diamanti gives an account of the feast of Matteo salvini that would have fallen to 22.5%, half a point less than two months ago. A minimal variation, in fact, for a couple of weeks, the League secretary has started to catch up: and then the first Italian match remains permanent, although with ten points less than the Europeans of 2019.

But meanwhile, Italy and the world have changed due to the pandemic, which politically penalized especially the opposition, disconnected from the management. According to the Demos survey, Salvini should, however, watch his back: he has just one point ahead of the Democratic Party, which has actually stopped at 21.5% practically all of 2020. Behind the leagues and demos, Fratelli d’Italia confirms its growth, with Giorgia Meloni which reached 16.6%: +0.4 compared to last October, more than 10 points more than Europeans. Forza Italia is also resisting, which is far from the glories of the past but is still relevant with 7.4%.