
PERUGIA «Maybe it’s a Gunman, but sure this exam was a shot. “Conventional wisdom in Corso Vannucci photographs the most controversial exam in recent university history, the images instead say the” farce “to put it with Chief Prosecutor Raffaele Canton and the two alternates Paolo Abbritti and Gianpaolo Mocetti. The farce of an examination, as reconstructed by investigators of the financial police led by Colonel Danilo Massimo Cardone, predefined in every detail.
And here is a video that will tell about this exam that lasted a few minutes. Images through which the investigators may have found confirmation of what they received during a couple of weeks of investigations, since the telephones of the five suspects abroad began to count not only the possibility that the new champion of the Atlético de Madrid. Perugia to take the exam but also that it should be helped.
“The task must be passed to him, everything and without deviating from the chosen module”, as it was learned, is the meaning of the subsequent interceptions (compared to what was already revealed in the registration decree) that involve the five suspects of the Foreigners for revealing official secrets and false ideology. An exam, that of obtaining the B1 level diploma, certainly challenging.
First because it requires a lot of study and lessons to prepare and then because, according to what is also tracked on the Foreigners website, the total duration of the four tests into which it is divided is at least two and a half hours. In detail: two hours for reading comprehension and written production and interaction, twenty minutes for listening comprehension and phonetic discrimination and finally another ten to fifteen minutes to introduce oneself, describe images analytically, answer open-ended intercultural questions and questions related to civic issues. In short, nothing impossible but difficult to combine with the scarce half hour in which Suárez arrived at the Foreigners, took the exam and left with a diploma and a selfie with the rector and commission.
Send the PDF of the exam to Suarez, to help you learn it by heart in just four remote lessons: this is the scheme that according to investigators and investigators would have been used by the suspects. A very specific form, among the thousands available, sent electronically to the champion. Who would then repeat what he received and studied during the exam lessons. “What’s your name?”. “My name is Luis Alberto Suárez Díaz and I am Uruguayan.” Thus began the Uruguayan exam. A test with the image of a watermelon continued, a perhaps not very casual reference to Turin, and a brief account of its trajectory. The PDF file that the researchers retrieved would be completely identical in content to what was later requested during the exam.
That file was sent -according to the investigations- by Professor Spina to Suárez through the Teams platform and studied during the four lessons. So, a watermelon and a supermarket. With the attacker who did not struggle to indicate both with the appropriate terms, then speaking of his family and children, as he had always indicated in the file. And when asked to imagine an Italian city, he mentioned Turin, also well indicated in the PDF. The exam, based on what we learned, continued with other prepackaged questions about your profession. “I’m a footballer – Suárez answered – and I’ve been in Barcelona for 6 years.”
Last updated: 10:29