Dec. 23, 2020, 9:15 p.m.
A Sky Sport and at the press conference after Inter Milan, the Verona manager Ivan Juric spoke thus, as reported by Tmw: “We did well in the first half without conceding anything, a big compliment to my guys. It is not football with forwards Ilic and Ruegg, it is a massacre for the boys and confidence is lost. We play a game above possibility, we need to see some things to improve in the future. We have to be realistic, some players have given us very little with a history of injuries behind them. If we want to save ourselves we have to do things right, we have to be careful and see the mistakes we made in the transfer market and sit down so we don’t take risks. We have taken certain things for granted in the transfer market, in the end now those who have played little last year play. We lost very strong players, so it’s tough even if the team gives their all with twenty points. We evaluate things well, we have to intervene well in the market. I do not want to repeat my mistakes, efforts must be made to ensure the future, otherwise it becomes difficult. Benassi was supposed to be an important player, but he never played like Kalinic and Favilli..
We are in constant emergency. In the first half we had played better as a forward we could have done more, then we took several players out of position and it is normal that you pay. In this period we have exceeded all expectations, to continue like this would be suicide. Last year they always played the same and we had very few injuries. We made a mistake in the choice of players: Benassi never played, we took several players who came from a long inactivity. What do I expect from society? I will talk to them, I think they are aware of our difficulties and the work we have done. The children were a great help, but in the future it becomes difficult even for those who are healthy. They’ll take care of that, I’ll wear mine. Against Fiorentina and tonight we play against these players … I will kill him, Salcedo will kill him. They are not prepared to do these things. What objective do I have? Only the salvation of Verona ”.