Dear navigators, dear navigators, dear followers and dear followers,
here we are in ours eleventh new year spent together. There is very little to celebrate. There pandemic We tell you every day from the pages of our site. In the same way that we have told you heroes, the horrors he mistakes of these twelve months. But by choice up here ilfattoquotidiano.it we decided not to make controversy or scandal, but signal strongly anything that has not worked and does not work in the hope that a remedy will be found. When they die tens of thousands of people; when a country, indeed the whole world, stops; When schools, stadiums, theaters, restaurants, and many, too many, are out of work, journalists must remember their duties. That they are not the only ones to bring back fairness and impartiality all the news considered relevant or fleas for those who at all levels are pro tempore in power. Among our duties there is also another: be aware of our role. Knowing that everything we publish can have or have consequences. Because when a community is on its knees it is deeply wrong, even criminal, to give space to strange theories, a pointless debates or useful characters just to attract the public by disorienting it. However, in Italy it is like that. Just turn on the television or read some newspapers to find out: how many pseudo scientists Are you ready to say that the virus would disappear with the summer we have seen it continuously in the air? How many interviews, without objections, have we read the self-described representatives of categories damaged by the pandemic who, instead of asking, as is correct, higher compensation and refreshments claimed the right to continue working as before regardless of the advance of infections? How much space and how many slave praised Were they reserved for those who spoke of a health dictatorship or claimed that the state of emergency was unjustified, since, according to him, it was no longer an emergency?
Well the choice of ilfattoquotidiano.it get away from her the cacophony posed as pluralismWhen it is only useful for increasing audience ratings or site traffic, it has paid off. Many have realized that we are different. Daily unique users, according to Google Analytics, increased by 32 percent compared to 2019. Every day on average they visit us 2 million 682 thousand people who read 5 million and 461 thousand pages (22% more than in the previous 12 months). Almost every month ilfattoquotidiano.it It is the third online newspaper, among those with a printed version, after Corriere.it and Repubblica.it.
A Thank you obviously it goes for you who read us, but above all it goes to the editorial office who immediately, when the pandemic broke out in Lombardy in February (our headquarters is in Milan), organized to work on smart work. I am all exceptional people. Keep an eye on them. Many of them will make a career. Among them there are a lot of young people. Because here the rule is that when you can hire someone, the attention falls first on those under 25 years old. And if you have talent, enter.
Of course, these were also difficult financial times for us. There was practically no advertising for 4 months. However, the second part of the year allowed us a good recovery. And a great hand came to us from support users. That is, by those of our readers who have chosen to support us by serving us the equivalent of one cappuccino a week.
Dear followers, you are the lifeblood of this site. And more colleagues owe you their work. That is why I ask those who have not yet done it and can afford it Support us). In return, in addition to our thanks, you will have the opportunity to surf without advertising, to participate in ours editorial meetings, stop a blog all for you. And join special initiatives to our campaigns.
The Seif, our publisher, believe in digital and is fully committed. Next to the newspaper that my friend runs Marco Travaglio, next to the monthly Fq Millennium next to the platform TvLoft, which also produces programs like Agreements and disagreements me The confession broadcast on Nove, together with the publisher Paper first, For some months now, a group of colleagues has also been working on the creation of One More Fact. That is the new newsletters and thedigital premium offer intended for newspaper subscribers. We owed it to the readers. We did it.
As you know Ilfattoquotidiano.it is born June 22, 2010. The idea was to keep the facts strictly separate from opinions. For this we create the left column of Blog home to hundreds of opinion leaders and experts who often, contrary to what happens on other sites, express points of view different from ours. Because for us the debate is and continues to be fundamental. On the right, the news is published.
Also this year we have dates many exclusively: of the scandal of More expensive in the Lazio Region, until the protest of medici in the hospitals of Milan it remains unguarded. Give him forgotten categories in the provisioning decrees, even in the case ofImmune application that the Veneto had failed to operate and the question, posed by us first, gods bosses released Last spring. Almost every morning we open the site with our research. For example those made by colleagues FQ Magazine about the crisis in the music sector or, when no one was talking yet, about the debacle of territorial medicine. Since then many consultations have been made dedicated to the last. To those who have no voice and who can always find it here.
In this way the quality (to be improved) of ilfattoquotidiano.it has been increasingly recognized. As they also prove live interviews to personalities such as Giuseppe Conte, Nicola Gratteri, Fedez and Roberto Mancini and many others who have gladly accepted our invitations on the occasion of the online party for the tenth anniversary of the site.
At web video after all we believe it. Every day, from Monday to Friday, all 16 My colleagues and I take stock of the main events of the day in live streaming on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. And now we regularly host other shows live. the big names in the entertainment world and Culture.
All of this obviously costs. In labor and economic terms. So before we wish you a happy new year, we ask you again. Support us!
Thanks to your contribution we can continue to grow and to avoid, as many do now, be forced to resort to paywall. Because, in our opinion, there is also another duty that many journalists sometimes forget: be read, heard and seen as many people as possible.
In short, we tried. Stay with us!
Best wishes from the heart
Peter gomez