IL MATTINO – Napoli-Az Alkmaar, the most accredited hypothesis appears: quick swabs


ASL Napoli 1 could prepare quick buffers for the entire Dutch group that will arrive in the city on Wednesday.

According to what we read today in the pages of the newspaper The morning in relation to the game scheduled for Thursday at the San Paolo stadium between Naples me The Alkmaar at 18.55, theAsl Napoli 1 together with the prevention department, it will evaluate what needs to be done in relation to the challenge, in compliance with health competencies. Not exactly the easiest decision. One of the most credible hypotheses is to have fast shock absorbers for the entire Dutch group that will arrive in Naples on Wednesday.

Tests that give the answer in 15 minutes and are 85% reliable. This would be an extra element to guarantee the safety of the match, given that in any case, Uefa establishes that teams must be swabbed 24 hours after each match, and that only players negative to the double test can be included in the official list. Only two days left, for now there are no signs to suggest a postponement of the game. But the risks are not lacking. As well as the possible twists.
