Pietro Senaldi
The wrath of the meek. The day of the start of phase 2, the day of the attempted economic recovery, the Governor of the Region, which generates almost 25% of the gross domestic product, and on which the success of the operation depends, uncovers the pot with free. Attilio Fontana He is the man of neglected alarms. He warned, the government insulted him to continue sleeping peacefully. The racism charge was uncovered when, in January, he wanted to quarantine anyone who came from China. Then, when one of his advisers hired Covid-19 and recorded a video in which he wore the mask and advised everyone to imitate him, the government and the remaining newspaper tried him in the public square for sabotage, alleging that he had harmed irreparably the image of Italy abroad.
Now they are trying to pass him off as the person responsible for the deaths of many grandparents in nursing homes, even if the Region does not handle them. It does not matter if in the Italian structures there have been fewer deaths than in the Spanish, French, American and even German ones, or if Emilia-Romagna has registered a higher percentage of deaths than Lombardy, despite the fact that the main outbreaks have not developed in his territory . He is the man who will be shot down, Attilio da Varese, who spent the weekend studying recovery at his home that overlooks the Lombard city from the hill and whose garden ends where the forest begins. A bit of calm in the storm, because the political difficulties add to the objective difficulties of the restart. A tension between the government and the regions that affects incommunicability.
President, are you going to fight now?
«Nobody wants to argue, but when the ideas are confused and the rules are not clear, it is natural for everyone to go their own way. It is not a political issue, even the center-left regions are stumped.
Is the government in trouble?
“They decided to start from the detail with the Ateco codes, those of the indispensable activities, instead of the general rules. So they entered a tangle that is difficult to get out of, losing some credibility.
Calabria’s governor, the Santelli force worker, has reopened the bars and restaurants and the government wants to close them: who is he with?
“Even Renzi said that Santelli did well. The governor had to do it to avoid giving space to organized crime, but let’s not kid ourselves that this is a problem only in the South. The government has not sent money, prevents the reopening and will soon request taxes. Even in Milan there are many who may decide to sell their businesses to the underworld instead of going bankrupt. We have to lift all the antennas together to counter this risk. “
What do the center-right governors want?
“Ours is the only serious proposition: strict rules of security and freedom of openness for anyone who respects them. The Ateco code on essential economic activities is not logical. For a barber or restaurant owner, your business is essential.”
Why didn’t the government welcome you?
«Fear, ideology, poor foresight. I don’t know. Our proposal would have avoided many controversies, as well as being the most democratic. Open if you can respect the rules, guarantee the distance and disinfection, without depending on who you are, as is the case now. There is an impressive distance between this government and the concrete reality of the economy and the country. “
Do you think Conte is fruit?
«The economic crisis is galloping. The pot may explode. “
What lesson did you learn from the pandemic?
“The epidemic has confirmed that the Regions need more autonomy. The central state cannot manage everything, it does not know the different needs of the territories.”
Said by the Region that ended in the center of each accusation
“A workhorse of the autonomy referendum was that Lombardy wanted to reinvest the money obtained from medical care in doctors, services and hospitals in the area. They stopped us and now they accuse us of not doing it».
What do you say to those who say that the Lombard model has not been maintained?
That Lombardy, even before the pandemic, had the most intensive care settings of all. Government cuts in the last ten years forced us to maintain no more than 700 beds, we had 740 and in one month we increased them to 1,700. Since Covid-19 exploded in Lombardy, the emergency has occurred here. The system has reached the limit but there has been no one who has not received assistance. Every time the beds were about to run out, we created more.
But something in Lombardy did not work
Anyone who attacks the Lombard model is in bad faith. Lombardy is large, we have had two outbreaks, but half of the Region, I think of the provinces of Varese, Como, Lecco, Sondrio, has had less contagion as a percentage of some areas of Veneto, Marche, Piedmont and Emilia. Romagna. It’s not about the model, it’s about shoots.
Why didn’t you create the red zone in Alzano Lombardo and Nembro?
“We ask for it for Codogno and for Bergamo. The government has given the green light for the first and not for the second.”
Couldn’t you insist?
“From the quarantine request for those arriving from China to the video where I wear the mask, Lombardy has always been the first to raise the alarm. And she was mocked and sabotaged. They even said that Italy would go bankrupt because of my mask. When we ordered bars and restaurants closed at age 18, the mayors of the Democratic Party began organizing snacks. Secretary Zingaretti also came up to support them. We wanted to close and the government has reopened. “
But was it not appropriate to go to the clash with the government?
“We requested it on March 3 and the Scientific Technical Committee had given the green light. There were already military personnel to close it, but the government waited on the 7th and then did not. It did not send the armed forces and could not continue alone. In March, Interior Minister Lamorgese issued a provision that reaffirmed that the power to make a red zone lay with the state, as explained by all constitutionalists. “
Why did they attack you for the hospital built at the Fair?
“Because it was a great success and a demonstration of the altruism and the great heart of the Lombards, who spontaneously financed it with their money.”
They say it’s half empty
“Even intensive care was before the pandemic. And then they accused us of being too few. When we built it it was necessary, the hospitals were full. “
They accuse you of having killed the grandparents in the nursing homes: why did you ask the rsa to take in the convalescent patients?
“The hospitals had to be emptied, other regions, like Lazio, also made this decision. But only 15 nursing homes have joined us. I am not saying any more because there are ongoing investigations by the judiciary. Let’s see if there have been more deaths there than elsewhere. “
At the Pio Albergo Trivulzio the research is causing a sensation.
«Because the place is evocative, but the Pio Albergo Trivulzio did not accept any sick Covid-19. The infection has developed internally, as in other places, caused by visiting family members or by those who work there.
Was the move risky?
“We have made the announcement and established the security parameters to accept convalescents. The judiciary will verify if who did it was in order, but 87% of the rsa is private, the Region has a role of control, not management. “
Why don’t you make tampons?
This is another fake news. We have done more than all of them, 400 thousand, 50 thousand more than Veneto, which nevertheless has half the inhabitants. Our system can produce 16,000 swabs a day: there are no reagents or structures to do more. “
But they would serve to beat the virus
«The tampon is used to know if you are infected, but it is valid at the moment you do it. From the next minute you are no longer covered. To map the region, you must make a million tampons per day; impossible “.
Why then everything against Lombardy, President?
“It is a political attack to make the center-right and the League lose credibility. The majority in Rome is in difficulties and to discredit a region that is the pride of the center-right administration, a political and media campaign against Lombardy is unleashed ».
Have you become unpleasant?
«We are, you are also from Lombardy, are you going backwards? When you are richer and run, you create envy. Better so than trudging.
Don’t you run the risk that the Lombard efficiency myth will be denied today, the day of the restart?
“I hope not. Everything is at stake in transport, whose capacity has been reduced by 70% to guarantee security conditions. ”
Illusion is inevitable
I trust the slow restart. One million and 400 thousand people will not enter Milan, on average during the week. The day of truth will be Monday the 18th. »
Will something change by then?
“The only way to avoid chaos will be to find a union agreement that allows for more hours of work.” The active day should extend from 7 am to 9 pm, otherwise it is impossible for public transport to withstand the impact. “
Are you working on this?
“I have asked the government countless times to start national negotiation.”
What is Lombardy doing to financially support its businesses?
«We, unlike the state, cannot get into debt. We are obliged to balance the budget. But we put three billion on the plate for investment. Municipalities and provinces can immediately spend them to do public works and make businesses work. And then we renewed all regional calls and made new ones to give businesses oxygen and stimulate the birth of new businesses. More would be needed, but funds are limited. “
Are you optimistic about the future?
“Only if we will be careful and not advance to phase 2. We must open, but with strict rules. For once, government clarity is needed. I have no secrets … »
Others, yes?
“The government had had a secret plan for a pandemic since January that it had put in the drawer so as not to create panic. The effects have been seen. Now another dossier has appeared that talks about 151 thousand people in intensive care in June if they all don’t obey Conte. It seems to me that it has already been contested with authority. I repeat, you have to play fair. I am used to always saying what I think, I do not change my opinion according to the context and I believe that transparency always pays. “