“If you’re lying in church, your wife won’t be able to say it was Christ” Video


Don Vito Piccinonna

Don Vito Piccinonna © nc

Taking into account that so many people still cannot understand the seriousness of the moment we are living, perhaps explained in dialect the concept becomes clearer.

Obviously must have thought don vito piccinonna, rector parish priest of the Santi Medici Cosma e Damiano di Bitonto basilica who, speaking about Covid during the notices at the end of the mass last Sunday, recounted an episode that happened a few days before. But he did not do it in Italian but in the vernacular.

«I still see people walking around at any time without a mask, and I took the liberty of playing a prank on an older man. – Don Vito says from the presbytery of the basilica – saying “Put the mask on”. “No” was his reply.

And here begins the replica in Bitontino: “I said, ‘If you’re lying in church, your wife won’t be able to say it was Christ and I’ll show her the picture of her stupid husband.”.

The joke had already caused hilarity during the celebration, but this video excerpt from Facebook Live soon hit social media and the web, going viral.

In fact, Don Vito’s is a call to individual responsibility: we must also blame ourselves if the number of coronavirus positives grows day by day, reaching untouched peaks even during the lockdown. Incorrect behavior puts not only us at risk, but all of us.

Don Vito’s post

Amazed by the social and media echo of his story, Don Vito Piccinonna clarified his thoughts in a Facebook post, which we published.

“Several friends send me, have fun, part of the video that recounts a joke made at the end of the Sunday ads (not the homily) of November 1.

Perhaps someone will also be shocked by the dialect and most experts will say that the celebration is not the proper context. Those who know me have understood why.

“where you come from?” asks me more than anyone.

Those who know me are not surprised.

I say where it came from.

A few minutes before the celebration an elderly mother had come as usual to bring me her 10 euros a month for the poorest and crying she asked me to pray for her fifty-year-old son who, due to the overcrowding of the hospitals due to covid, could not go to Milan to Do a delicate heart surgery already planned for some time. The mother was concerned and hoped her son would not have any problems in the meantime. Comforting a mom is the hardest thing in this world …

The day before I had heard from a very dear friend of mine who was hospitalized in Bari who was having a very bad time and I wanted to do something for him …

During the period of confinement, 4 parishioners died and I know the suffering of the families who could not attend even the last farewell to the cemetery …

I know several positive people that I am in contact with who already imagined that their “shortness of breath” did not make me sleep more than one night.

The most fragile, welcomed in the different caritas centers and in the services of the foundation, all accompanied by professionals and first-rate operators, awaken in me feelings of protection and defense …

Being able to be a cause of contagion for others obliges me to observe as far as possible all available precautions (as all priests do in all churches) …

I have friends and some family members who work in hospitals as nurses or doctors and many times they ask me for some prayers because they are afraid not to …

Faced with so much superficiality that many times we have before our eyes, I cannot stop saying it in all senses and “in all languages” especially in the one I love the most, which is my dialect …

Usually after every celebration, especially on Sundays, we recommend everyone in the announcements to always be vigilant not only in church but also outside, everywhere.

Someone will say “what does it have to do with the Mass or with the Gospel?”

The God I believe in has a tremendous love for life. Seeing it recovered in various charitable services requires that you not waste it and help not waste it.

Just this one.

That’s where “it came from.”

We are all improvable. Me above all.

Have a good trip everyone !!! “.
