“If you think a cycle is closed, just think of something else.” For Inter it is the first option.


During his speech for ‘Sky Calcio Club’, Igli Tare, Lazio sports director, has not completely closed the doors of a farewell sergej Milinkovic-Savic, one of the jewels of the formation of Simone inzaghi: “If an Italian team arrives and offers 120 million? Let’s say that the fundamental thing is the will of the players. It is a matter of cycles, if you think you have closed one, I think you can try something else.. And if it is done for the good of both parties, there is nothing wrong. In Naples they sold important pieces and the team remained competitive, it can also happen to us. If Milinkovic-Savic remained 5 years in Rome, he did so also because of the strong bond between him, the city and society. Every year that there have been temptations, our will and yours have led to its permanence. Things are analyzed from season to season. “

In summary, the sports director of Biancoceleste confirmed his willingness to negotiate the transfer of the Serbian, the first option for Inter’s midfield in the next season despite the fact that there has been much talk lately about Paul Pogba. Compared to French, the sergeant It would cost significantly less from a commitment point of view, about half, but the main obstacle concerns the price of your label. Although there seems to be a kind of pact with Lazio for a summer sale for less than 100 million euros (READ HERE), it is known that Claudio Lotito wants to pay as much as possible for the departure of his jewel and is waiting for a proposal from abroad as happened with Manchester United last summer, an agreement that however faded. Clearly if i Red Devils they managed to sell Pogba well, they were able to reinvest that amount SMS, in a kind of domino effect. The Nerazzurri bank, a lot depends on the transfers of the players currently on loan. If some of the hypothetical treasure is collected, it is likely that beyond the economic crisis of the system Beppe Marotta present with Lazio to present an offer for Milinkovic-Savic, possibly inserting a technical counterpart. However, without reaching the estimate of 120 million, a little provocative, advanced during the interview with Tare.

In short, more than Pogba, too expensive especially for the current engagement, the Nerazzurri’s attentions are still directed at sergeant And if he asked to do a new experience, Inter would be in the front row ready to deal with Lazio.
