“If you show the breasts, drink for free.” Controversy over the sexist cartel of the Milan club – La Stampa


Maybe they wanted to be original and attract as many customers as possible. According to what is reported at the bottom of the poster that is displayed outside the restaurant, they are even friendly, remembering that “a day without a smile is a day wasted.” In reality, the owners of “The Spocial Chupiteria” miscalculated, hurting the sensitivity of many, receiving a series of outraged comments about a label defined as “sexist”, despite their attempt to give an explanation to this initiative: “No we are a normal place … and that is why we offer games for our beautiful and very nice clients.

The reality of the sign speaks for itself: clients who show their breasts get free chupiti and the number increases according to the size of the bra (only one for those who have the first, two for the second and so on until the fifth, for the which also promised “everyone’s applause”). Women are invited to “throw their bra behind the counter” to get four chupiti, “a kiss between two girls” is worth two, while those who agree to “take the bartender home” receive a month of free drinks. And for those who do not want to play the game there is a decidedly explicit message: “If you play the least, remember that others have it like you and go f …”.

There are hundreds of comments on social media from irritated people. It is enough to push those responsible for the restaurant to close the Facebook page, which has been disappearing from the web for a few hours. On Sunday morning, Luca Gibillini, a former center-left city councilor who works for the City and is a staff member of Mayor Beppe Sala, posted the photo of the poster on Facebook, with the comment: “Ok Houston, we have a problem.” . .

The poster speaks for itself. Town Planning Councilor Pierfrancesco Maran: «With outdoor tables and so on. we have set ourselves the goal of saving the Milanese clubs and our sociability. Objectively, not everyone deserves to be saved.
