«L ‘Rt index reached the critical threshold of 1.5. the government A clear objective has been set: we want to keep the epidemiological curve under control. Only then will we be able to manage the pandemic and we will not be overwhelmed. Then the prime minister Giuseppe Conte at a press conference at Palazzo Chigi illustrated the new Dpcm, Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers.
New Dpcm, Conte: Together we will avoid blockages at Christmas. Soft drinks for companies will reach bank accounts
Rome curfew, riots in the far-right march: the prosecutor investigates. Seven stops and 13 stops
“Protecting health and the economy”
«The latest epidemiological data that we have analyzed cannot leave us indifferent. We must do everything possible to protect health and the economy and avoid a second general lockdown. If in November we respect the rules we will be able to keep the curve under control and then relax the measures to face December and Christmas with greater serenity ”, explained President Conte. Duration 00_46 Source: Agencia Vista / Alexander Jakhnagiev
Count live with the new Dpcm: the closure at Christmas must be avoided, we will achieve it. Help with DIRECT bank accounts
The new one with the new anti-contagion measures will come into force tomorrow and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte illustrates its content in a press conference on Facebook from Palazzo Chigi. “The latest epidemiological data that we have analyzed cannot leave us indifferent.