Published on: 10/18/2020 10:36 PM
“The money of the Month are loans, they cannot finance additional expenses, they can cover expenses already made and go to increase public debt. If we take them I will have to intervene with taxes and cuts because I have to keep the debt under control ”. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said this at a press conference at Palazzo Chigi.
And then “in investments in health we have invested around 4 billion and there is also recovery money, another 9-10 billion. What we want to say is that the Month is not the panacea as it is represented.”
“When we make these arguments we must assess that in any case we will have limited interests in the face of the risk that analysts run, it is called ‘stigma’ and it is difficult to quantify. Dozens of countries have taken the Insurance, including us. Month none. That’s why I. I said, without any ideological prejudice about the ESM, if we need cash, among the instruments to consider is also the ESM. But taking the MEDE to resolve a dispute in the public debate makes no sense. “
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