“If they tell him there is no market, he will react like this”


Antonio Conte plays with his exposed cards. And he does it publicly, directly at the press conference. The Nerazzurri coach, in fact, has publicly confirmed a new market summit with the management. The January market is on the table, if you feel like doing it. According to Conte, in fact, this Inter is not equipped enough to win the Scudetto, without adjustments in the middle of the season.

“And it’s as if Conte is saying to his coaches: we are fighting at the top, we can and want to play for it. But if we stay that way, some teams are even better equipped today. Conte is a winner – he smells the scent of victory but wants to have the best army available. On the other hand, his speech also wants to be a way to be as transparent as possible: if the market cannot be done, tell it as it happened in September and everyone is happy, without regrets, even if in the end someone else wins. . We are facing a kind of Villa Bellini, second act “, the Gazzetta dello Sport explains today.

Conte wants fans to be told exactly the reality of things. If there is no market, it will demand that it be said publicly, without raising the bar on objectives.
