“If there is a weather alert, teachers should not work with digital education.” Unions on the attack



Digital teaching, for many represents the future, for others it can be a substitute for face-to-face lessons in case of force majeure.

The question arises as to what is happening in Campania with the weather alert. Some principals had asked teachers to activate the lesson in the event of complex closures due to weather conditions..

Bad weather, schools closed in Salerno tomorrow, December 9

The unions, however, are not there: “If the school is closed due to weather warnings, teachers are not even required to teach their students from home through digital teaching. The teachers protest that in the event of a weather alert they would not have worked and it is not clear why they should do it from home ”.

The situation, reports The morning, it is so incandescent that it concerns not only Campania, but also Veneto, Tuscany, Lazio. It seems that the story will soon catch the attention of the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina.

There is a first official position, that of Unicobas de Livorno: “We denounce the attempt to use the Father and the Ddi, as extraordinary instruments linked to the Covid-19 emergency, in an extensive and ordinary way, to supply inefficiencies caused by other causes”.

Already in November, the unions (Flc Cgil, Cisl Scuola, Uil Scuola, Snals and Gilda) had intervened, however, on the meteorological alert in Naples: “School principals cannot predispose dad in contexts other than the pandemic. Teachers don’t have to work if it rains, children and parents do it well. “

Digital education and privacy, creation of school accounts for teachers and students. the principal must ensure the lawful processing of data

