… And then, if the crisis broke out, we might as well go vote. Count against Salvini and we play it. It will be seen if Franceschini’s words anticipate a strategy or are only tactics, if they represent an expedient to eliminate Renzi or a deterrent to inhibit his offense. Certainly these days the head of the delegation of the Democratic Party to the government always repeats the same concept, placing it at the end of a long reasoning developed with some allies and various members of his party.
The Minister of Culture believes that Renzi’s maneuvers are based on a calculation, and that in the event of a crisis he would not go to the polls: the election of the President of the Republic would remain locked in the legislative and the priority of the current majority not to deliver the Colle after voting to a Salvini candidate. And here Franceschini offers a different interpretation of the situation. The fact that today, in calculating the large voters needed to elect the future head of state, the ruling coalition and the opposition forces are essentially equal, a detail highlighted by the head of the League.
In this picture, devoid of certain numbers and with the impossibility of controlling the mass of pawns in freedom, Renzi would be decisive. He does not give a damn about Count 3 or Draghi 1: if the crisis were to open, according to the Democratic executive, the former prime minister would stand at the crossroads of all scenarios and make everyone dance. To achieve this, I would prefer that the government fall due to an accident, so as not to take responsibility for it. In any case, the outcome of the crisis would be uncertain, the situation could only get worse and the system would end in a quagmire.
That being the case, it would be preferable to go to the polls with the current voting system., that anticipating the confrontation in the schools pushes the parties to join forces. And the executive dem already foreshadows a coalition made up of M5S, Pd, a leftist list and a Conte list. Obviously Iv would be out of the team, because whoever caused the crisis could not think of staying with us. They say that every time he broaches this subject, the dem manager is transfigured: it is easy to assume that he intends to wreak havoc in Renzi’s ranks.
it’s harder to imagine how the puzzle can be put together of the Giallorossi alliance and how it occurs to compete with the center right. Instead, I think we could play it, Franceschini’s answer, according to which Conte, if the polls are true, still has some control over public opinion, would present himself as the victim of a Palazzo plot and could win votes in the center , without taking them to the Pd and M5S. Therefore, it is convenient to take advantage of its added value, because it could win. But even a defeat in the polls, in your opinion, wouldn’t upset the balance for the post-Colle race – numerically it would be a balanced challenge with the center-right, I mean? And then Conte was born with a t-shirt …
The euphemism serves to highlight a particular dowry of the prime minister, whom Franceschini prefers to overlook his political qualities. The other day, at the summit with the Democratic Party for verification, he heard it begin like this with Zingaretti: If you have someone to switch between your ministers, tell me. Secretary dem, who by nature doesn’t even trust himself, gulped before dropping the question. And Conte, receiving no answer, immediately asked the question again. An embarrassing silence filled the room, until Franceschini tried to explain to the prime minister that verification is not shakeup. Rather, it serves to establish a political line, to update the program …
How else was I supposed to make him understand that if Count 2 fell there would be no Count 3? That Renzi promised to stay at Palazzo Chigi, just as that place promised Di Maio and Zingaretti? As for the reorganization, the head of delegation of the Democratic Party has tried to contemplate it in the discussions these days, and theoretically it could also be done: But then nothing would change, we would not have stability. Therefore, the choice is not between an improvement of the situation and the elections. But between a worsening situation and the elections. Therefore, in the event of a crisis, it would be advisable to take the more linear path.
Linearity for not a policy category. And the doubts that Franceschini cultivates about Renzi’s real will to open the crisis are the same doubts that Renzi cultivates about Franceschini’s real will to go to the elections. Even if one says of the other: He did not understand that this time I am serious.
December 20, 2020 (change December 21, 2020 | 07:28)