What used to be called a “contract” now becomes a “mess.” And what before acquired the heroic dimension of “government of change” is now only a murky “ambiguity”. And vice versa. Words, Prezzolini said, are among our enemies, because they betray us as ambassadors and deceive us as interpreters. In practice at the service of those who want to use them. And many times they conspire with action, to the detriment of understanding. So as everyone knows, the other day Matteo salvini I was scandalized because Silvio Berlusconi, apparently, perhaps he was willing to do now what the secretary of the League had done before: that is, shake the hand of the Five Stars, who knows, also play to govern with them, end by saying that “now I feel Di Maio more than mine. ” Mom. “It happened just two years ago, when Salvini was a candidate for leader of the center-right coalition, but immediately after he broke it to form a government with his opponents.” Initiation “or” act of responsibility “? It depends. Indeed. , the ease with which, when others want to practice them, broad understandings lose their vagueness and become more than carnal (“crowded”) or end up acquiring a touch of backyard gossip: “Inciucio”, precisely. Thus, the desire to intrigue, entangle and in any case negotiate under the table suddenly turns into responsibility and fatigue, or vice versa, the sense of responsibility and the fatigue of politics turn into intrigue and horror. Perhaps from all this could be derived, in a more general way, an essay on language that does not resemble the things it names and that it is no longer even the old and famous “say not say and not say say” what made the fortune of the First Republic.
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