
“The League will denounce the government for aiding illegal immigration if it allows the disembarkation of these other 353 illegal immigrants on board another illegal foreign ship ”. Matteo salvini does not back down on the immigration conflict, which is becoming an increasingly hot topic for the government he presides Giuseppe Conte. The summit between the prime minister, the governor of Sicily Nello Musumeci and the mayor of Lampedusa Totò Martello is scheduled for Wednesday, but meanwhile the landings continue undisturbed.
“Eleven days after our first aid, he said Sea Watch – we finally have a safe place for the 353 people on board. We are heading towards the port of Palermo, where the people will be transferred to a ship made available by the authorities for a quarantine period ”. The latter will be absolutely necessary, since among the shipwrecked people rescued in the Mediterranean by Louis Michel (the ship financed by the English artist Banksy) there are various presenting symptoms compatible with Covid. The Sea Watch is expected to arrive in the evening, after which the migrants will be transferred to the quarantine ship Allegra.