
“Thus, if Rai hadn’t interviewed the government commissioner in CalabriaWouldn’t anyone have noticed their defaults? And he’s the only one who has to go? “. So Guido Crosetto spoke about the political issue of the day, which concerns Saverio Cotticelli, that in the transmission Title V RaiTre claimed that he was not in charge of drafting the anti-Covid plan, only to discover through a communication from the Ministry of Health that it was he who had to do it. And so, the Calabrian health commissioner decided to present his resignationeven before that Giuseppe Conte thundered publicly against him: “He must be replaced with immediate effect. I want to sign the decree in the next few hours, the Calabrians immediately deserve a new commissioner fully capable of facing the complex and demanding challenge of health ”. It’s a shame the premier forgets that it was he who named him in the yellow-green government and then confirm it in the yellow and red: Crosetto’s question is more than legitimate, since it worries the possibility that the government would never have discovered this case if it had not been attended by a television broadcast.
