«If necessary, yes to the total blockade. But the government will listen to us »- Corriere.it


Close economic activities, limit the freedom of movement of people, in short, a generalized closure. Matteo Salvini, often critical of total blocks in the past, now puts the health target in front of him and says, “If there is a need to do it, it’s okay to do it. However, gyms cannot be closed on Saturdays and theaters and bars on Sundays until 6pm. they are rational choices that you make. “The leader of the League, a Radio me too on Radio Uno, then added: “No one has a magic wand, the first shutdown was the first time in history and we all sailed in sight in February, but at the end of October someone should have learned their lesson.”

“I wasted the summer talking about desks and scooters”

“The things that should be done now? Tampons at home, home care, 75% of people who run to the hospital terrified could be treated at home and then there is public transport. Today there is a board of directors of the National Medicines Agency and I hope that they will approve the lines for home care. If there is something to close to save lives, it is done, but you must have a vision. We have an emergency commissioner for these things called Arcuri, we need national protocols, national calls. Because the summer was lost talking about benches with wheels and scooters, “he added.

“I constantly listen to mayors and governors”

Salvini once again calls for an active center-right role that would like to be heard by the government, as Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi also requested. “We have been asking for collaboration for six months, which took place in three 1-minute phone calls,” said the leader of the League, “I constantly listen to mayors and governors, 14 are from the center right and make proposals. Today we will be in the classroom and we will make our proposals »but« writing a letter is not enough. We will do our reflections but it is not acceptable to see the March movie with Conte on television at night telling us what to do the next morning.

October 29, 2020 (change October 29, 2020 | 10:00)

