
Published on: 12/23/2020 6:07 pm
Covid, Recovery, relationships within the majority. In ‘Porta a Porta’, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte speaks in all areas and makes clear about the pandemic: “If the experts tell us that the probability of a third wave January is concrete, I don’t think twice about introducing and strengthening the safety net for the Christmas period. By letting it go, we will impact a sudden increase in the pandemic.
“Now there is a variant in English that runs much faster, 0.70 more and would explain many things – he adds – I do not want to hypothesize, in Veneto the data is growing, we need to understand how and why”.
Regarding vaccination, “there is no reason to believe that people do not volunteer” vaccine. There is no “hypothesis in which we could not carry out the plan according to the forecasts, with 10-15 million people, which begins to have a significant impact, we should arrive in April. If there was a massive rejection it would be a problem”, a school case “.
Obligation of vaccination for doctors? “There is a debate between us. But let’s wait, let’s see, they are all responsible people, they know that in the face of a pandemic, guaranteeing patients is a priority for everyone. If we get into difficulties we can evaluate alternative solutions ”.
Have you ever thought about not doing it in the coronavirus emergency? “Not for it to be no”, responds the Prime Minister, “but there were very difficult moments, especially at the beginning”, “it was difficult to make the first decisions, the red zones, the confinement” and “when we began to see death to it was a particularly painful moment for me. “
So, the government majority. “I am not saying there is no air of crisis – says Conte – but it is not in my hands. We only advance if there is a non-abstract trust of each force that supports the majority. I have shown it, I work for the interest of the country. Any other proposal that is not in the interest of the country does not concern me. “” If the political forces ask me to renew the team, it is evaluated – he adds – I had a meeting and everyone said that there is no need, if there will be, we will evaluate it together. “
“I am not betting on the country’s institutions.” On the tally list? “I don’t …”, said the premier to ‘Porta a Porta’. The return to teaching “is a perspective that gives me serenity and tranquility,” he adds, clarifying: “My horizon is my current commitment, it is so absorbing that it makes no sense to get into these arguments.”
“I said I have the best players on the field, someone was offended. It is hyperbole. I do not consider myself the best in the world. I am expendable, I am very replaceable.”
Talking about RecoveryThe premier says that “the centralized structure that would have surpassed the government, the ministries, overwhelmed that working group, because it never existed.” “Europe asks us for a monitoring structure – he explains – it is expected that there will be an interlocutor with Europe, there will be a constant exchange of information to update Europe but we also need each other to advance the different works”.
“We will have thousands and thousands of works, to think that there is no monitoring structure that communicates with the structures, that monitors and coordinates all this, is unthinkable,” he says. “Europe wants a responsible person, I do not want him, that is why we have appointed him ministers responsible for spending”, underlines the Prime Minister who later, on the issue of managers, adds: “If there are proposals for improvement, we will sit a table in the interest of the country and for maximum functionality. But one thing must be clear to all, we have a very modest administrative capacity to spend public resources, we lose a lot of funds, we cannot invest them. ”And in Recovery, for health care , “We are already talking about 15 billion and more starting billion”.
“If we fail, this government must go home with disgrace,” he says of the recovery plan. “I asked to meet again between San Esteban and New Year’s Eve to find the necessary synthesis,” he explains, speaking of the majority meetings, “we must not delay any longer.”
As to Me, “the 36 billion would lead to deficits if we intend them as additional expenses, we will leave a considerable burden. We can make all the speeches, but we take into account the general framework of public finances, we cannot let a situation out of control.”
So, the school. “We have to start over, restore face-to-face teaching to at least 50% for upper secondary schools with maximum flexibility,” the prime minister said of the reopening of schools on January 7.
Conte also talks about him delegation to the Services. “The secret services law attributes the political, legal and operational responsibility of intelligence to the prime minister, however, I cannot avoid this responsibility,” he clarifies.
“I read that various political forces would like a delegated authority, which in the past has always belonged to the party of the Prime Minister, a person you can trust. In Italy, it would be a serious compromise for the authority of the sector,” he warns.
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