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Published on: 12/16/2020 11:42 AM
Has been corpse of identified man torn to pieces and packed into a suitcase and recovered in a field near the Florentine Sollicciano prison. This is the Albanian Shpetim Pasho, 54, who disappeared in the air with his wife Teuta, 52, at the beginning of November 2015. From the first comparison made by the Printing Section of the Carabinieri Scientific Research Department in Rome, all the detectable spots on the fingerprint of a male corpse’s hand correspond, in fact, to Shpetim’s fingerprints. From the autopsy, it was discovered that the man had been killed with a stab wound to the throat. In the autopsy, it was found that the woman had died from asphyxia due to strangulation and from the blows she received.
During a new inspection for the investigation of the double murder, the carabinieri have also I found a fourth suitcase in the countryside near the Florentine prison of Sollicciano. Researchers have yet to verify the content. At the moment some parts of the two bodies are still missingIn particular, a leg of the man was not found. In the first suitcase that was found last Thursday were the bust, head and leg of the Albanian, in the second other remains of the man and a leg of the woman, in the third the trunk and the head also of the woman.
To reach the identification of the mutilated corpse, and thus make the decisive turning point in the investigation, it was the tattoo that the man had on his forearm, which was left intact thanks to the saponification process: an anchor attached to the name of the city of Walloon and the initials of the name, SHP, which correspond to the name of the disappeared Albanian.
The autopsy revealed the ferocity of the double murder, or, as seems more likely, of the murderers and the coroner also speculated on the weapon used to cut the corpses: a butcher knife or a machete, less likely a saw. electric. The remains of the two corpses were then ‘wrapped’, wrapped in cellophane and sealed with duct tape as in a package, along with a blanket and duvet, perhaps to prevent the smell of decay from spreading.
The disappearance of the Albanian spouses, who came and went between Albania and Italy, was reported by their daughter Dorina with her sister Vittoria. Taulant Pasho, the couple’s son, escaped from house arrest at the end of October 2016 and has since been unavailable to the carabinieri and is therefore a fugitive. The young man had been arrested for drug offenses and held in Sollicciano prison. To be close to their son, the spouses had rented an apartment in Scandicci (Florence), not far from the prison. However, after a few days, the pair disappeared into thin air. A year later, Taulant was placed under house arrest from which he escaped. The young man, based on what he learned, must still serve four years in prison.
The couple, who had returned to Tuscany just a month ago, found accommodation in Scandicci in October 2015. On November 2, 2015, their daughter Dorina, who lived in Castelfiorentino, where she still resides, received a phone call from a number anonymous in which his mother told him that she did not want to answer anyone. Since then, there is no news. A few months later, Dorina also turned to the television show “Who has seen it?” of Rai 3 to ask for help finding parents. The couple had also talked about going to Germany, but the comments never paid off.
The investigations focused on the network of acquaintances that Shpetim and Teuta Pasho had formed in Italy. And the hypothesis of a feud between families or drug trafficking involving his son Taulant seems to be taking hold.
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