
“I give up 5 star movement, who no longer represents me and I continue my activity as a parliamentarian ”. The M5 loses other parts, in detail Piera Aiello, who leaves the pentastellato group and announces it with a long message. And Aiello, speaking of his choices, reveals: “So I decided to question my life, kept secret since July 30, 1991, as a witness of justice. When they asked me to be open to my candidacy, I saw the possibility of taking my experience as a witness to a parliamentary chamber where I could present the problems of witnesses, collaborators of justice and businessmen who are victims of organized crime and usury ”.
Therefore, in her speech, the deputy explains that she approached the M5 “because of their innovative ideas” and the desire for change. Ideals that in her opinion, however, would have been betrayed: “If today I find myself writing all this – she remarked – it is because in two years, I have not seen even the shadow of these ideals implemented“But the heaviest bomb is the one it falls against. Alfonso Bonafede, Ministry of Justice. Aiello, in fact, is part of the Justice Commission and the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission. And he explains: “It is always the minister who decides everything and certainly not independently, since 90% of the amendments that are taken to committee and then in the classroom are rejected and many times without any valid reason,” he hits hard .
And again, he insists on “bitterness for all the work I have done, not only in these two years as a deputy but also throughout the years as a simple witness of justice, work frustrated by people who have not only never faced the fight against the mafia with the proper training, but who have not heard my cry of pain that is none other than the voice of thousands of people who have no way of being heard and whom I have the honor to represent. “A harsh farewell, that of the first Aiello grillina.